World Association of News Publishers

Feeling at Home: ppi Media at the World Publishing Expo 2015

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Feeling at Home: ppi Media at the World Publishing Expo 2015

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Visit ppi Media at Booth 1.410 and the editorial offices of impulse magazine

Hamburg, September 25, 2015 – This year ppi Media is feeling quite at home during the World Publishing Expo. From October 5 – 7, this annual event for the media and publishing world is taking place in Hamburg, Germany, ppi Media's home port. The Software-Developer is looking forward to three interesting and informative days at the Hamburg Messe. ppi Media will be welcoming visitors and demonstrating products at Booth 1.410 and as a special event is inviting visitors to participate in the Content-X Experience at the editorial offices of impulse magazine, Germany's leading magazine for entrepreneurs. Interested parties can register for this event through ppi Media.

Meet ppi Media at the World Publishing Expo.

This year ppi Media is offering visitors a special treat. Not only can they watch live demonstrations of ppi Media's latest products and take part in one-to-one discussions with company representatives, but they are also invited to the editorial offices of impulse magazine, Germany's leading magazine for entrepreneurs, where they will be able to participate in the Content-X Experience, a live demonstration of how Content-X function in real-time conditions. As part of Media Innovation Day on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, impulse will be opening up their editorial offices to select visitors. The tour is free. More information and the registration form can be found at:

At impluse, Publishing Director, Ole Jendis, and Managing Director, Eva Weikert, will be providing fascinating insight into their work, the daily work of an editorial office and the magazine's philosophy. impulse is known for its independent, high-quality journalism, its well-founded research and editorial content that is worth the price. Ever since Impulse Media GmbH left the publishing house Gruner+Jahr in 2013 as part of a management buy-out, this magazine for entrepreneurs has appeared monthly on the newsstands. The standard edition, the special editions as well as the inserts are all created with ppi Media and Digital Collections' editorial solution, Content-X.

New products at Booth 1.410
And of course, ppi Media will be welcoming visitors to the World Publishing Expo throughout the three day event at the ppi Media booth and is looking forward to informative and exciting conversations. This year we are primarily going to be focusing on the advances to our revolutionary cross-media editorial solution, Content-X, as well as AdX, our cross-channel ad reservation system. Over the last year we have been working closely with Digital Collections, our partner and neighbor at the World Publishing Expo, to continue refining Content-X. The advancements made in the areas of data analysis, semantic search functions, the connections to social media allowing Content-X to recognize and the customer to capitalize on stories trending on social media are all truly ground-breaking achievements.

On the other hand, AdX, now has a new direct connection to Gutenberg Rechenzentrum's ad booking system VI&VA. By using this integration, media consultants can use their tablets to view available ad space and book it for digital and print ads directly on site at the customers' offices. As a bonus, Lineup, ppi Media's partner in ad solutions, will also be participating as an exhibitor at this year's World Publishing Expo. They will be at Booth 1.325. Feel free to make an appointment or simply drop by. We are looking forward to your visit!

ppi Media GmbH is the leading international workflow specialist for newspaper and magazine publishers, as well as printers, corporate publishers and groups, and SMEs. Its main focus lies in the development of highly efficient software solutions on a global scale. ppi Media is the market leader in the field of automated newspaper production. On the German market, 80% of all daily newspapers are produced with products by ppi Media. Many more installations can be found in Asia, Europe, Africa and the USA. A subsidiary of the Eversfrank Group, ppi Media has its head office in Hamburg and branches in Kiel, Germany, and Chicago, USA. For more information visit



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Michael Spinner-Just


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