World Association of News Publishers

The China Press runs production on EasySert technology

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The China Press runs production on EasySert technology

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The China Press Bhd, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Hamburg, 5 October 2015 – This summer, The China Press Bhd put three EasySert lines from Ferag into operation. The newspaper company has achieved its set targets of greater reliability when as-sembling newspaper products, plus increased efficiency.

Mr Chin Thiam Ong, Production Manager, Mr Lee Koo You, Group Manager Systems & Projects, and Mr Por Seng Huat, Group IT Manager, in front of one of the three EasySert inserting lines.

Last spring, Malaysian newspaper company The China Press Bhd announced that it was investing in three EasySert lines from Ferag. Commissioning of the new technology in the Kuala Lumpur produc-tion centre was set to be completed by the summer of 2015. The Chi-na Press Bhd has met its ambitious goals: after production started on the first two EasySert lines in May and June, the third line began op-erating on schedule at the end of July. The project team and employ-ees came through the challenging transition from purely manual work to fast, automatic newspaper processing with flying colours.

Production on a sound footing
The daily editions of the newspapers China Press and Nanyang Siang Pau produced in Kuala Lumpur each comprise several sec-tions. The previous, manual assembly process required large num-bers of personnel, took up a lot of time, and was prone to frequent errors.

The three EasySert lines are putting The China Press Bhd’s newspa-per production on a sound commercial footing. Thanks to the auto-matic gathering and inserting process, assembly of the individual newspaper sections is under control, and their insertion into the jacket product is secure. After only a few weeks of production, Production Manager Mr Chin Thiam Ong was already speaking about a noticea-ble increase in reliability.

Popular production technology
Secure and dependable newspaper production at The China Press Bhd is also a direct result of its enthusiasm about a new and attrac-tive production tool. The new EasySert technology is greatly appreci-ated by staff at the production centre in Kuala Lumpur, and work on the three inserting lines is in demand. The ergonomic JetFeeder hop-pers are particularly popular, thanks to their stable, fatigue-free operation.

In Kuala Lumpur, a project has been brought to a successful close that represented a big challenge for all concerned. From the very be-ginning, the fruitful collaboration was based on trust. Ferag has suc-ceeded in convincing The China Press Bhd about the qualities of the EasySert solution, and the safety of investing in the right technology and the right partner.



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Michael Spinner-Just


2015-10-15 10:28

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