World Association of News Publishers

Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann orders KBA Commander CL

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Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann orders KBA Commander CL

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Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung relies on KBA web press for the future

02.06.2016 – Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann in Gelnhausen is a cutting-edge media company which publishes Germany’s youngest independent daily newspaper, the Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung. The publishing house ordered a highly automated, double-width KBA Commander CL newspaper web press from Koenig & Bauer at Drupa 2016. The press line can print up to 90,000 full-colour Broadsheet newspapers per hour and will come on stream in summer 2017. “The Commander CL’s high productivity and impressive print quality coupled with short makeready times and low waste levels won us over,” says managing director Jochen Grossmann. The press has been the most ordered high-performance newspaper press in its press class since its market launch. KBA has sold 16 of these press lines with a total of 55 printing towers to customers in Germany, France, China and the USA.

3-D schematic of the 4/2 KBA Commander CL for the Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung in Gelnhausen.

Germany’s youngest independent daily
Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann founded the Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung in 1988 and it soon become the newspaper with the highest circulation in the Main-Kinzig region of Germany. The company also publishes the weekly Mittelhessen-Bote and Der Neue Markt. The weekly titles cover the districts Main-Kinzig and Wetterau, Kahlgrund as well as parts of region around Fulda. Furthermore, the company also produces the Gießener Zeitung together with Oberhessische Presse. This is Germany’s first collaborative newspaper covering Gießen. Together around one million copies of titles from Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann are distributed weekly in the respective areas.

Numerous further publications and supplements from third-party publishing houses and company customers are expected to printed on the Commander CL in the future. What is more, the printing house also offers pre-press and other services for all kinds of commercial printwork. This is in addition to comprehensive mail and logistics services. The MADSACK media group has had a 51% stake in the company since 2007.

Highly automated and high productivity
The Commander CL will have two eight-high towers for 4/4 printing, a KF 5 jaw folder and two Pastomat reelstands plus a Patras M automatic reel-loading system. The extensive package of automation modules including RollerTronic roller locks, CleanTronic cylinder washing units, colour and cut-off register controls and semi-automatic plate change keep makeready, waste and operating and maintenance efforts to a minimum. An automatic colour measuring and control system, plus a ribbon stitcher will be added at a later date. The Commander CL will be controlled from an ErgoTronic console incorporating EasyTronic for optimised press start-up and automatic run-down, and PressNet for planning, pre-setting and process management.




Michael Spinner-Just's picture

Michael Spinner-Just


2016-06-03 12:09

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