World Association of News Publishers

The Globe and Mail holds steady as #1 read news and business brand

The Globe and Mail holds steady as #1 read news and business brand

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Vividata 2016 Q3 study findings include growth in Report on Business magazine print readership

Toronto, February 23, 2017 – As the media landscape continues to change, today Vividata, the amalgamated organization of NADbank and Print Measurement Bureau (PMB), announced that The Globe and Mail’s readership holds steady as the #1 read news and business brand with growth in print readership of Report on Business magazine.

“Our unwavering commitment to quality journalism is exemplified by Vividata’s Q3 results. We believe that journalism matters and we will continue to invest in the deep work and insights that benefit both our readers and our advertisers,” said Phillip Crawley, Publisher and CEO. “Amidst the well-chronicled struggles of some media companies, The Globe and Mail continues to hold the largest national weekly readership footprint and Report on Business magazine continues to be the most-read business magazine with print readership growing.”

Vividata results:
The Vividata 2016 Q3 study reveals that print readership of The Globe’s Report on Business (ROB) magazine has grown to almost 1.2 million (compared to 1.1 million in 2016 Q2). ROB boasts the largest readership of any other business magazine (1.7 million) as well as leading all others in key demographic areas (University grads, MOPES, HHI $100k+, PYI $60+, PYI $100k+).

Further, The Globe’s print/digital readership is higher than any measured brand in all of the key demographic areas mentioned above. The study also outlines that The Globe and Mail attracted a national readership of almost 7 million (this includes Globe weekly newspaper, Globe weekly digital, Report on Business magazine print/digital). At 6.5 million, The Globe’s weekly readership (newspaper and digital) is higher than any other individual publisher brand measured by Vividata. In addition, the study reveals The Globe and Mail has the largest national weekly digital readership of any other digital products, at 4.3 million.

The Vividata 2016 Q3 study is a single-source survey that provides cross-platform audience measurement for 65 consumer magazines and 70 daily newspapers. The annual national sample of 41,446 Canadians (age 12+) surveyed across 48 markets, is released quarterly as rolling 12-month data.

The study covers Vividata’s 12-month major market rolling database that covers the period from October 2015 to September 2016, and small market rolling database that covers the period from January 2015 to September 2016.

Due to significant changes to digital readership questions at the beginning of 2016, true comparisons will not be available until the Vividata 2017 Q1 study.

About The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail, founded in 1844, is Canada's foremost news media company. Each day, The Globe leads the national discussion by engaging Canadians through its award-winning coverage of news, politics, business, investing and lifestyle topics, across multiple platforms. The Globe and Mail print and digital formats reach 6.5 million readers every week, with Report on Business magazine reaching almost 1.7 million readers every issue in print and digital. The Globe and Mail is owned by Woodbridge, the investment arm of the Thomson family.


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Michael Spinner-Just


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