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technotrans reports most successful financial year ever

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technotrans reports most successful financial year ever

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Revenue rises to over EUR 200 million – Operating result (EBIT) exceeds forecast – Board of Management proposes EUR 0.88 dividend per share

13.03.2018 – The technotrans Group is able to look back on an extremely successful financial year: the group increased its operating result (EBIT) for 2017 by 79.2 percent to EUR 17.4 million, thus exceeding its own forecast. This represents a margin of 8.5 percent, compared with 6.4 percent for the previous year. Revenue including the acquisitions of 2016 climbed by 35.1 percent to EUR 205.1 million. Organic growth amounted to 12 percent. technotrans is targeting further growth for the current financial year. It aims to increase revenue to EUR 300 million by 2020.

“The highly successful 2017 financial year delivers emphatic proof that our company’s chosen course is the right one,” declared Dirk Engel, who yesterday was appointed Chief Executive Officer of technotrans AG by the Supervisory Board. “Our successful positioning in the relevant key markets, in combination with the economic developments, is the reason for the positive business development.” technotrans again achieved growth in all market areas in 2017, and markedly improved its profitability. Below the line, net income came to EUR 12.3 million, representing an improvement of 69.0 percent. The return on sales reached 6.0 percent (previous year: 4.8 percent). The free cash flow was positive, as planned.

The Technology segment achieved revenue growth of 42.4 percent to EUR 147.6 million in 2017, giving it a revenue share of 72 percent (up four percent). Following on from its acquisition in the previous year, GWK Gesellschaft Wärme Kältetechnik mbH contributed 30.5 million to this total. The activities in the non-print area made a significant contribution. These include especially the laser and machine tool industry, but also the so-called growth markets. An improved revenue mix and pro rata cost synergies as a result of the higher volume helped to improve profitability. The result at EBIT level improved from EUR 2.9 million to EUR 8.1 million. The corresponding margin climbed to 5.5 percent (previous year: 2.8 percent) and therefore easily exceeded the targets defined at the start of the year.

The Services segment likewise maintained its growth trajectory. Revenue climbed 19.4 percent to EUR 57.5 million. Adjusted for the acquisitions, growth came to 7.0 percent. Within the segment, the increase was driven both by growing follow-on business in the technology markets and by a year-on-year improvement in the business performance of Technical Documentation. Profit at EBIT level climbed 35.5 percent to EUR 9.3 million, and the corresponding margin came to 16.2 percent (previous year: 14.2 percent).

Further growth planned
The Board of Management expects continuing growth for the 2018 financial year, assuming a steady development in the world economy. Revenue in the range of EUR 212 to 220 million is the target. The planned operating result (EBIT) is within a range of EUR 18.0 to 20.0 million. The target margin is forecast to reach between 8.5 and 9.0 percent. The overall solid position of the individual group companies provides a stable basis for achieving this growth target. The revenue and earnings planning does not reflect new acquisitions.

Profitable growth will remain the focus of technotrans’ strategic development. The company has set itself the goal of growing faster than the market. Consolidated revenue is to reach EUR 300 million by 2020. In pursuit of that goal, the new growth markets of the group in particular have been identified as sources of overproportional revenue growth over the coming years. The growth-oriented measures in addition include acquiring complementary business areas, technologies or products. The Board of Management seeks a steady improvement in the return on sales (EBIT margin).

Engel new Chief Executive Officer
With effect from March 12, 2018 the Supervisory Board has appointed Mr Dirk Engel (51) as the new Chief Executive Officer of technotrans AG, Sassenberg. He therefore succeeds Henry Brickenkamp, who as announced will be leaving the company mid-way through the year. Dirk Engel has been Chief Financial Officer of technotrans since 2006 and has shared responsibility for the successful turnaround of recent years.

The Board of Management and Supervisory Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting taking place on May 18, 2018 that a dividend of EUR 0.88 per no par value share be distributed for the 2017 financial year.

The full 2017 Annual Report is available both online and as a download under Investor Relations, in the Financial Reports section:



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Michael Spinner-Just


2018-03-13 11:32

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