World Association of News Publishers

Quality printing seminar in Iceland

Quality printing seminar in Iceland

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Seminar organised by the print & media department of IÐAN fræðslusetur

On 12 and 13 November 2018 the print and media department of IÐAN fræðslusetur in Reykjavik organised a seminar on standardised high quality colour reproduction and printing.

Ólafur Brynjólfsson (4th from left) demonstrating colour and density measuring

The seminar for emplyees of Iclandic newspaper and commercial printing companies was organised by Ingi Rafn Ólafsson who heads the print and media department of IÐAN fræðslusetur. The Iclandic colour management guru Ólafur Brynjólfsson and WAN-IFRA’s Manfred Werfel acted as facilitators.

The programme of the seminar covered the folowing topics:

  • The resilience of the printed newspaper, facts & figures
  • New business models of newspaper printers
  • Colour and colour management
  • Standards and ICC profiles
  • Cameras, monitors, colour separation
  • Measuring instruments for monitor calibration
  • Photoshop
  • CTP, grey bar, closed-loop controls
  • Color Quality Club
  • Self Check, website, data input, report feed-back
  • Print innovations
  • Measuring instruments for density and colour

On the second day of the event representatives of the Icelandic newspaper Morgunblaðið received the certificate for their successfull participation in the competition for membership in the International Color Quality Club 2018–2020. The newspaper was also awarded membership in WAN-IFRA’s Star Club, the “hall of fame” of the world’s best publication printers, since they achieved Color Quality Club membership for the fifth time already.

Morgunblaðið now member of the Star Club: Left to right: Ólafur Brynjólfsson, Guðbrandur Magnússon, Manfred Werfel, Gylfi GuðjónssonMorgunblaðið now member of the Star Club: Left to right: Ólafur Brynjólfsson, Guðbrandur Magnússon, Manfred Werfel, Gylfi Guðjónsson


Manfred Werfel's picture

Manfred Werfel


2018-11-16 13:26

Author information

The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production. Read more ...

Publishers and printers around the world have come to expect WAN-IFRA to provide the most up-to-date know-how about production processes, whether it be in prepress, printing, workflow or postpress. Its range of advisory services, trainings, reports and events are unparalleled. Read more ...