World Association of News Publishers

Ole Munk

Ole Munk

Managing Director, Ribergaard & Munk communication design, Dänemark

Ole Munk has a degree from the Institute of Visual Communication at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen. Drew the comic strip Felix 1976-85. Graphic reporter at the Copenhagen morning daily Politiken 1985-89, lecturer and researcher at the Graphic Arts Institute of Copenhagen 1989-94, graphics director at Politiken 1994-95, managing director of Ribergaard & Munk communication design ( since July 1995. President of the Society for News Design/Scandinavia 1997-99. Awarded the Commemorative Prize of Knud V Engelhardt (Knud V Engelhardts Mindelegat) 2003. Design & redesign projects at more than 100 newspapers, including tabloid makeovers at ten Swedish papers, four Norwegian, five Danish, one Finnish, and one Latvian newspaper. Ten of his redesign projects have won awards in the SND/S Newspaper Design of the Year contest. Lecturer at the Danish School of Media & Journalism, and at numerous workshops and courses on visual communication and publication design.Author of the books Reporter or Artist (1992), Saet Billeder Paa (Picture This, 1999), and Avis-layout & Redigering (Newspaper Layout & Editing, 2003; 3nd revised edition 2008), as well as numerous articles and reviews on newspaper and website design in Danish and international publications.

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