World Association of News Publishers

Workshops :- 1) Responsive Design

Workshops :- 1) Responsive Design

Time: 10.00 hr – 17.00 hr

Consuming news in digital devices requires a new journalistic grammar, new workflows, and innovative storytelling techniques. In this workshop, participants will be trained to transform templates into cross platform experience and increase revenue. The workshop will also share the best practice, case studies and design
elements for web, mobile and tablets.

Grig DavidovitzGrig Davidovitz






Workshop chairperson: Grig Davidowitz, is a consultant and researcher specializing in developing journalism in the new media age, working with news organisations around the world. He has in-depth experience both in web and print and specializes in cross-platform implementation of journalistic principles, meeting the needs of  digital users in the multi-device age and online monetization. Grig is the former Editor
in Chief of Israel‘s Haaretz news sites. He is also a lecturer in the fields of New Media and Journalism at Sapir Academic College.