World Association of News Publishers

Conference Program

Conference Program

Day 1: 12 March 2012, Time: 09.30 hr - 18.00 hr

Keynote: Mobile and digital consumption and advertising trends — Insights for news publishers

Go online to offer more to your valuable readers
Online offers new products or services. How can this be used to engage the user and bring in the advertiser?

Reaching out to the social media community
Engaging communities will make our newspaper bigger, better and the journalism stronger.

Mobile publishing perspectives
A case study

Unleash your creativity - How to create exciting digital niche products
Niche products can engage a specific audience and if it can demonstrate a social utility it can attract and support the main product.

Tablet Publishing - It is just not moving the content from the website or print to tablet
How is a tablet reader different from an online or print? What are
the expectations of a news reader on a tablet?

Non-Conventional Digital Revenue Streams
Conventional online revenue streams of clicks or views are passe

Online Analytics & Statistics – Read between the lines
Online analytics and statistics brings to the table a lot of data. Are
we making use of them?

Panel discussion - Paid Content
Discussion on how to effectively charge for online content. Best practises from around the world

Summary and Closing