World Association of News Publishers

Excellence in Newspaper Printing



Excellence in Newspaper Printing

Date and Location

  • 07 Apr 2016 - 08 Apr 2016


WAN-IFRA Members:

INR 25,000 / EUR 360


INR 30,000 / EUR 430

Please add 14.5% service tax to the above fee. Overseas participants have to pay in EURO.

Introduction to Event

In today’s dynamic and highly competitive business environment, controlling cost, efficient manufacturing and enhancing customer satisfaction, have become the prime tasks for all organizations including the news publishing industry. This has resulted in adopting business winning strategies, that could achieve operational excellence in
various departments. 

This workshop will focus on the major challenges that newspaper printing industry is facing right now and effective strategies that can be employed to sail through. Various topics like new business models, efficient plant management and quality improvement will be discussed. The workshop also has a dedicated half day session on leadership development and people management.

Excellence in Newspaper Printing

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