World Association of News Publishers



Sold Out




Date and Location

  • 30 Oct 2012 - 31 Oct 2012


WAN-IFRA Members:

INR 25,000 / EUR 475

If more than 3 participants:
INR 20,00 / EUR 380


INR 30,000 / EUR 575

Please add 12.36% service tax to the above fee

Introduction to Event

Visual presentation of news is getting more important in newspapers and magazines. Using powerful tools like charts, timelines, maps, scales and relationship diagrams, visual journalists make information clear and useful to the readers. At the same time infographics can provide an extra analysis and context to news readers, revealing patterns or trends missing in the loads of information. From figurative representations to data driven visualisations, infographics fit into different editorial models and reader targets.

The main objective of this training is to help the editors and artists to think visually to conceptualise and execute graphics in their publications. The hands-on exercise will help them to go through the full cycle – from gathering information, research, analyzing the data, planning the graphic, sketching and to the actual execution. It will provide them a critical view of infographics discipline in order to understand the way they work and the responsibility that comes with the powerful visual language.

Target group
„„Graphic Editors, „„Design Editors, „„Art Directors, „„Infographic Specialists, „„Editors/ Associate Editors, „„Senior Graphic Designers, „„Newspaper and magazine designers.


Contact information
