World Association of News Publishers

Day One - 17 Sept.

Day One - 17 Sept.



09:00 Participants registration
10.00 Opening address

10:15 Opening Keynote
On the importance of good journalism in a visual society and how words and graphics play together.
Peter Ong, Newspaper Consultant, Checkout, Australia


11.00-11:30 Tea-break


Session 1. Newspaper Design for your newspaper and for the world
This session covers the latest developments in the constantly changing world of newspaper design. It talks about the latest trends for your regional and national publication but also how to avoid obstacles in realizing those great visual ideas.


11.30 SND Worlds Best Designed Newspaper 2013
Stephen Komives, Executive Director, Society for News Design, USA


12.15 Integrating visual journalism in the news production workflow
Editors from major Indonesian newspapers discuss the importance of design, lay out, pictures and graphics in their daily news production.
Moderator: Hans Peter Janisch.
- James Luhulima, Managing Editor, Kompas Gramedia
- Shoeb Kagda, Group Editor in Chief, Berita Satu Media Holdings
- Leak Kustiya, Editor in Chief, Jawa Pos


13:00-14:00 Lunch


14.00 How to avoid fundamental mistakes in your everyday work
A design crash course on how to keep your newspaper looking spic-and-span by avoiding these so-called "design crimes". Here, we will revisit the basic principles of design and the importance of grid system, and learn some practical tips or quick-fix solutions to your design problems.
Adonis Durado, Design Director, Muscat Press & Publishing House, Oman


14.45 The important role of news design in a rapidly changing China
Bill Gaspard, Art Director,  China Today, China


15.30-16:00 Tea Break


16.00 Focus on your work
Analysis of the participants pages with the help of international professionals / Part 1


16.45 How infographics change the visual appearance of our papers and our websites
Luis Chumpitaz, Information Graphics Director, Al Bayan, UAE


17:30 End of DAY 1

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