World Association of News Publishers

Philippe Jannet

Philippe Jannet

Managing director of ePresse Premium, France

Philippe Jannet is the Managing Director of, the French digital newsstand owned by the Press Publishers. From 2008 to March 2012, he was CEO of Le Monde Interactif, the digital arm of the French national newspaper Le Monde. Prior to this, Philippe Jannet had been for 12 years the Managing Director of the Internet and digital activities of Les Echos, the French economic leading newspaper which used to be a subsidiary of the Financial Times. In both missions, Philippe Jannet is known to have successfully developed Freemium, Advertising and Subscription based revenue strategies.
From 2000 to 2012, he had also been the President of the Geste, the French online publishers association.
He is now consulting for a large panel of Publishers in the Press Industry and has actively participated in the action of the French Publishers against Google.

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