World Association of News Publishers

Study Tour: Innovative Multimedia Newsrooms - Washington D.C. , New York



Study Tour: Innovative Multimedia Newsrooms - Washington D.C. , New York

Date and Location

  • 16 May 2011 - 20 May 2011


Cancellation Policy

Cancellation is possible in writing and will be accepted up to 4 weeks before the event. A non-refundable handling fee of 10% become due in this case. We regret that we will be compelled to retain the full participation fee for cancellations after this time. It is possible at all times to send a “substitute participant” on condition that WAN-IFRA GmbH & Co. KG is informed accordingly in writing in advance, stating the name of the substitute person.

WAN-IFRA Study Tours are organised on an all inclusive basis. Included in the price are all costs for accommodation, meals and transport within the United States. Please note: Inbound and outbound flights to the USA are not included in the price.

Study Tour: Innovative Multimedia Newsrooms - Washington D.C. , New York

Newspapers in the United States have been especially hard hit by the trends worldwide affecting the publishing industry. However, newsrooms in the U.S are fighting back with innovative products and new approaches to generating revenue.

Join this WAN-IFRA study tour and get an insight into how publishing companies in the U.S are fighting back and developing strategies for the future.

Confirmed visits so far include:

See you in New YorkSee you in New YorkGet insight in WashingtonGet insight in Washington

  • The Washington Post
  • USA Today
  • The Associated Press
  • AARP Magazine
  • The New York Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Journal Register
  • Press+
  • NBC and MSNBC
  • Foursquare

We also will have lunch with John Paton, CEO of the Journal Register Company, to learn about his company’s significant turnaround.


WAN-IFRA Study Tour Innovative Multimedia Newsrooms
16-20 May 2011, Washington, D.C. and New York City








Change is sweeping through newsrooms across the world. Over five days in May, study tour participants will learn how some of the leading news organizations in the United States are responding to the pressures of changing consumption patterns, delivery platforms and economic models.


Washington, D.C.

Monday, 16 May 2011 

The Associated Press
AP’s Washington bureau is the headquarters for the organization’s Online Video News service.  The Director of AP’s online video operations, Bill Burke, will explain how video is becoming increasingly important and how the wire service is bringing broadcast and online video into the same world.
Host: Bill Burke, Director of Online Video Operations

The publisher of the largest circulation magazine in the world (22 million copies per issue) has reorganized its publications division and adopted an aggressive new media strategy. 

This visit will show how new media are being used to attract older Americans to the group’s magazines, other print products and website. 
Host: Bernard Ohanian, Vice President and Editor of Digital Strategy and Operations


Tuesday, 17 May 2011

he Washington Post
For many years, The Post operated separate newsrooms for print and digital.  However the challenges facing the newspaper required a different approach.  Managing Editor Raju Narisetti will explain how the two newsrooms have been merged into one to produce compelling, cross platform journalism and how the Universal New Desk makes it possible.
Host: Raju Narisetti, Managing Editor
USA Today

Gannett’s flagship newspaper has been at the cutting edge of convergent journalism for several years.   Most recently, USA Today’s newsroom has been reorganized into content rings.   Executive Editor John Hillkirk will explain the evolution of his newsroom as well as the newspaper’s innovative strategy for mobile devices.
Host: John Hillkirk, Executive Editor

In Washington, we will spend time in the Newseum.  Funded by some of the leading media companies in the United States, the 250,000 square foot facility tells the story of five centuries of journalism.  It includes 35,000 newspaper front pages, a letter from 1416 relaying news of the Battle of Agincourt, even a portion of the Berlin Wall!  You can learn more about the Newseum here:


New York City

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Wall Street Journal
The Journal has had a successful online pay model for years and continues to innovate with new editions and products.  Jim Pensiero, one of the Journal’s top editors, will explain some of the secrets behind the Journal’s success.
Host: Jim Pensiero, Deputy Managing Editor


Thursday, 19 May 2011

The New York Times
The Times has finally announced its metered model for online content.  This visit will provide first hand information on how the system is working as well as an introduction to the Times’ plans for producing content for emerging platforms.
Host:  Fiona Spruill, Editor for Emerging Platforms

Foursquare is an innovative geo location service with 6.5 million unique users per month.  By “checking in” via a smartphone app or SMS, users share their location with friends while collecting points and virtual badges. This visit will give participants insights into the increasingly important challenge of providing geo location services.
Host:  (to be determined)


Friday, 20 May 2011

One of the leading advocates in the U.S. for monetizing web content is Press+, which was recently been acquired by RR Donnelly.  This visit will allow participants to better understand the models and best practices for charging for online content. 
Host:  (to be determined)

Journal Register
The turnaround at the Journal Register Company is one of the success stories of American print journalism.  The man credited with lifting the company out of bankruptcy and into digital success is CEO John Paton.  Over lunch, Paton will tell us how he did it and what he learned.
Lunch with John Paton, CEO of the Journal Register Company

America’s leading television network and one of the country’s most successful news websites are not sitting still as newspapers move into producing more video and multi media content.  This visit will help participants view the challenges of convergence from a broadcast perspective.
Host:  (to be determined)

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting study tour. See you in New York and Washington.


Best regards,

Dietmar Schantin

Executive Director WAN-IFRA, Head of Newsplex


Contact information
