World Association of News Publishers

Study Tour: Products and Business on Tablets & Mobile


Study Tour: Products and Business on Tablets & Mobile

Date and Location

  • 07 Feb 2011 - 11 Feb 2011
    London, Paris, Zurich

Study Tour: Products and Business on Tablets & Mobile


2010 was just the start, the follow-up is yet to come...

As planned, the emergence of a new generation of tablets in 2010 has pushed another deadline on the e-reading projects of publishers. Moreover, media have an abundance of opportunities to integrate sustainably the smartphone into their business plan.

On the way to the next meetingOn the way to the next meetingThe study tour participants met with some of the big players in the tablet and mobile landscape, as well as manufacturers and publishers.

Monday, 7 February 2011, London, UK

  • Meeting with Apple: What works what doesn't work on iPad; the new advertising platform iAd
  • Meeting with Amazon UK: The periodicals business on the Kindle platform
  • Meeting with FT.comMeeting with Le ParisienMeeting with Le Parisien
  • Meeting with Forrester: How new devices are changing the consumption of news: Understanding the challenges of e-Reading

Tuesday, 8 February 2011, London, UK

  • Visit to The Sun: Lessons learned from a top-ten-app launch on iPad and other News International Mobile and tablet productsMeeting at Les EchosMeeting at Les Echos
  • Visit to The Daily Telegraph: Since one year on the iPad

Wednesday, 9 February 2011, Paris, France

  • Visit to Le Monde: Full speed on mobile and testing the opportunities of the iPad, paid-for digital content
  • Visit to Le Parisien:Joint sales of device and subscriptionMeeting at TamediaMeeting at Tamedia
  • Visit to Les Echos:Staying in contact with the customer on all platforms and devices 

Thursday, 10 February 2011, Zurich, Switzerland

  • Visit to Tamedia: Codex, the Swiss joint venture for e-Reading 

Friday, 11 February 2011, Zurich, SwitzerlandRinger TV StudioRinger TV Studio

  • Visit to Ringier: Vanillla - replacing credit cards with a mobile payment system, Betty Bossy and examples of Augemented Reality

The programme ends after lunch

At the end of the programme: Participants going back home with new perspectivesAt the end of the programme: Participants going back home with new perspectives


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