World Association of News Publishers

World Publishing Expo 2014


World Publishing Expo 2014


World Publishing Expo 2014


Monday, 13. October 2014

  • 14:30
    Media Port Revenue, Hall 10

    Emerging Business Models In Content Monetisation  (supported by MPP Global Solutions)

    Johnston Press: Maximizing job board revenue (supported by Madgex)

    Regionalmeiden Austria AG: Effective digital revenue tools and strategies of Regionalmedien Austria (RMA) (supported by Gogol Publishing)

    Central Media Group & Publisher Market: Why should publishers join forces? (supported by Publisher Market)

    Apple Europe: The iPad , the perfect customer experience 


    Vice Chairman, 24 Media, Greece

    VP Media & Publishing, EMEA, MPP Global

    MD - Recruitment Advertising at Johnston Press

    Head of Corporate Development, Regionalmedien Austria AG

    Head of Sales of Digital Services, Central Media Group

    Head of Revenue Development, TMG, The Netherlands

    On-line Business Stores and Senior Sales Manager, APPLE EUROPE

  • 17:45

    Join us for a unique chance to explore the vibrant journalism startup scene of The Netherlands. Canal boat ride stopping at De Correspondent, Blendle and Nieuwsatelier, the first incubator for journalism startups in The Netherlands.

    Free of cost for Media Executive Pass holders (sign up required). Other participants: 150€

    Register today! Places are limited. If you are interested in attending, please contact us!

Tuesday, 14. October 2014

  • 10:00
    E-Commerce, Gamification, etc.
    Media Port Revenue, Hall 10

    Additional Media: The value of adding audience insight to advertising inventory (supported by Cxense)

    Trinity Mirror: New businesses, NOT new products; Turning innovation into revenues (supported by Mediaspectrum)

    Schickler: New revenues through Big Data? How to actually get started and discover your options (supported by WAN-IFRA)

    Glimworm: iBeacons, a new source of revenue (supported by Publisher Market)

    Vice Chairman, 24 Media, Greece

    CEO Additional Media

    Director, New Businesses at Trinity Mirror Group PLC

    Senior Manager, Schickler Unternehmensberatung

    Co-founder of Glimworm

  • 13:30
    Trends in Newsroom
    Media Port Revenue, Hall 10

    Research Fellow, WAN-IFRA/Journalism Lecturer, University of Wollongong, Australia

  • 16:00
    Media Port Revenue, Hall 10


    TMG case: how TMG uses RTB to drive revenues for both desktop and mobile 

    Use IAB video formats to enhance the engagement of your banner ads and increase your revenues

    (supported by Publisher Market)

    CCO at MADS

  • 18:00

    The best of the best. European versus Asian Digital Media Awards winners will face each other in Amsterdam. These awards recognise publishers who have created groundbreaking digital products that engage readers while growing their online business. Find out more!

    The ceremony will take place in the RAI Forum – Direct access from Expo Hall 10

    Share with us drinks and networking moments!

Wednesday, 15. October 2014

Partner and Sponsors

Partner and Sponsors

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