World Association of News Publishers

Newspaper Production

Newspaper Production

Publishers and printers around the world have come to expect WAN-IFRA to provide the most up-to-date know-how about production processes, whether it be in prepress, printing, workflow or postpress. Its range of advisory services, trainings, reports and events are unparalleled.

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  • 2018-11-07 15:59
    30.10.2018 – Because Ferag technology is so long-lasting, it has backward compatibility designed in as well. This is very helpful for customers such as the Danish media group Jysk Fynske Medier, which recently modernized inserting technology from the late 1980s at its production site in Kolding and automated it with additional modules. Read more ...
  • 2018-11-07 15:09
    06.11.2018 – technotrans SE seamlessly maintained its positive business performance in the first nine months of the current financial year. The company increased revenue by 4.7 percent to now EUR 162.7 million, with the growth markets serving as the main drivers of this development. Operating profit at EBIT level climbed six percent to EUR 13.6 million, and the corresponding margin edged up to 8.4 percent. With business developing according to plan, the Board of Management confirmed the earnings and revenue targets for the full year. Read more ...
  • 2018-11-06 21:29
    Die Freiburger Druck GmbH & Co KG darf sich wieder als „Zeitungsdrucker des Jahres“ bezeichnen. Damit zählt das Unternehmen, von dem unter anderem die Badische Zeitung gedruckt wird, zur Spitze der Branche. Read more ...
  • 2018-11-06 12:35
    November 6, 2018 – After the overwhelming success by the first Colorman e:line newspaper printing system, commissioned in 2014 under the name “Gipfelstürmer” (Summiteer), Weiss Druck now order the second identical machine of this type. The highly modern newspaper printing machine series e:line of manroland web systems successfully prevailed on a difficult market, for it provides immense benefits for users and is the answer for the modern, efficient and profitable newspaper printing – as proven by Weiss Druck. Read more ...
  • 2018-11-02 12:58
    Baden, Switzerland, November 01, 2018 – “Druckzentrum Neckar-Alb” has awarded ABB with an order for an extensive controls and drives retrofit for modernization of its Wifag OF470 newspaper presses. Read more ...

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  • The newspaper industry is under pressure globally. While in the West, decline of the newspaper has been rapid, in the East, newspapers will probably survive for longer. However, there are several pressures on the newspaper industry in the East as well – competition from digital readership, increasing input costs, reducing advertising spends, and so on. In such a scenario, it is important for newspaper industry players to collaborate to improve internal operational efficiencies across the industry. Through such an effort the overall industry will stand to benefit. With this objective in mind, an industry-wide benchmarking exercise was carried out to identify specific improvement opportunities across players. The result has been extremely encouraging. This report details out the methodology and findings of this benchmarking exercise.
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