World Association of News Publishers

Newspaper Production

Newspaper Production

Publishers and printers around the world have come to expect WAN-IFRA to provide the most up-to-date know-how about production processes, whether it be in prepress, printing, workflow or postpress. Its range of advisory services, trainings, reports and events are unparalleled.

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  • 2018-06-14 11:29
    Berlin, 14. Juni 2018 – Den Daten des Statistischen Bundesamtes zufolge sind die Preise für die in Deutschland hergestellten grafischen Papiere und Pappen seit Oktober 2017 stark gestiegen. Seit Jahresbeginn 2018 verzeichnen sie Zuwächse von über 5 %. Auch die Herstellerpreise für Zeitungsdruckpapier nehmen zu – im April 2018 um 6,3 % gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat. Gleichzeitig wachsen die Importpreise für Papier: nach jüngsten Zahlen vom März 2018 beim Zeitungsdruckpapier um 10,6 % und bei anderen grafischen Papieren um 6,3 %. Zusammen mit ähnlich groß ausfallenden Preisanpassungen des Papiergroßhandels ergeben sich damit Preissteigerungen in Höhe von 15 %. Read more ...
  • 2018-06-08 10:19
    17.05.2018 – For years, Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann (Gelnhausen/Germany) has been using a single Ferag RollStream line to shift impressive volumes with reliable insertion even for the smallest unit quantities. For a second postpress processing project, the company based in the state of Hesse needed to deliver record-breaking performance even before commissioning. Read more ...
  • 2018-06-07 11:30
    April 23, 2018 – ppi Media provides a new service to the Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag and is undertaking production control tasks for the publishing house. The publisher with the highest circulation in Schleswig-Holstein will benefit from a new cost-efficient hotline that ideally complements ppi Media’s support service and guarantees expert knowledge in production control that is available outside core working hours. Read more ...
  • 2018-06-06 14:30
    Wake Forest, N.C., May 31, 2018 – Through close collaboration between two newspaper prepress industry leaders, Southern Lithoplate and CRON-ECRM have introduced two new platesetting devices that redefine and refine CtP technology for today and tomorrow. Read more ...
  • 2018-06-04 16:32
    Rochester, New York, May 29, 2018 – Kodak announced today it will increase the price of Kodak offset printing plates globally. Plate prices will increase up to 9%. Read more ...

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  • The newspaper industry is under pressure globally. While in the West, decline of the newspaper has been rapid, in the East, newspapers will probably survive for longer. However, there are several pressures on the newspaper industry in the East as well – competition from digital readership, increasing input costs, reducing advertising spends, and so on. In such a scenario, it is important for newspaper industry players to collaborate to improve internal operational efficiencies across the industry. Through such an effort the overall industry will stand to benefit. With this objective in mind, an industry-wide benchmarking exercise was carried out to identify specific improvement opportunities across players. The result has been extremely encouraging. This report details out the methodology and findings of this benchmarking exercise.
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