World Association of News Publishers

Newspaper Production

Newspaper Production

Publishers and printers around the world have come to expect WAN-IFRA to provide the most up-to-date know-how about production processes, whether it be in prepress, printing, workflow or postpress. Its range of advisory services, trainings, reports and events are unparalleled.

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  • 2017-12-11 12:10
    St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 8 December, 2017 – Baldwin Technology Company Inc. – a world leader in providing process automation solutions, consumables and services for the print, packaging, textile and corrugated industries – has acquired QuadTech, Inc., from its parent company, Quad/Graphics. With this acquisition, Baldwin adds all of QuadTech’s highly regarded technology and strategic locations across the Americas, Europe, China, Japan and India. Read more ...
  • 2017-12-01 11:47
    01.12.2017 – Fairfax Media Limited, ein innovatives und digital fortschrittliches Medienunternehmen mit 13 Verwaltungs- und Produktionsstandorten in Australien und Neuseeland wendet sich mit der Umstellung auf die prozessfreie Kodak Sonora News-Platte, die digitale Kodak Libra VP-Platte und Kodak-Plattenbelichter höherer Nachhaltigkeit bei der Druckformherstellung zu. Read more ...
  • 2017-11-29 15:13
    Wake Forest, N.C., November 28, 2017 – Printing industry veteran and recognized customer service advocate, Keith Markham, has joined printing industry leader, Southern Lithoplate (SLP) as its Senior Technical Sales Specialist, according to Gary Blakeley, Southern Lithoplate’s Director of Global Service and Technical Support. Read more ...
  • 2017-11-27 12:20
    Wien, 21.11.2017 – „Die europäische Recycling-Rate von Papier lag 2016 bei 72 Prozent – in Österreich sogar bei 79 Prozent. Diese Zahlen verdeutlichen, wie verantwortungsvoll mit der Rohstoffquelle Papier umgegangen wird. Printmedien punkten also nicht nur mit ihren Inhalten und ihrer einzigartigen Haptik, sondern auch beim absoluten Zukunftsthema Nachhaltigkeit“, erklärte Print Power Austria-Präsident und VÖZ-Geschäftsführer Gerald Grünberger anlässlich der Präsentation der Studienergebnisse des Toluna-Instituts. Read more ...
  • 2017-11-23 13:05
    November 23, 2017 – The printing producer and comprehensive service partner manroland web systems, has caused a great stir over the past few months with its ever increasing service provision for third party presses. Now, the latest milestone in this new field of business: with its’ relocation of a Goss press for People’s Daily, Chinas most influential daily newspaper, the company has once again proved that it is the high performing business partner for the printing industry, and that position will not change in the future. Read more ...

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  • The newspaper industry is under pressure globally. While in the West, decline of the newspaper has been rapid, in the East, newspapers will probably survive for longer. However, there are several pressures on the newspaper industry in the East as well – competition from digital readership, increasing input costs, reducing advertising spends, and so on. In such a scenario, it is important for newspaper industry players to collaborate to improve internal operational efficiencies across the industry. Through such an effort the overall industry will stand to benefit. With this objective in mind, an industry-wide benchmarking exercise was carried out to identify specific improvement opportunities across players. The result has been extremely encouraging. This report details out the methodology and findings of this benchmarking exercise.
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