World Association of News Publishers

Chile - Young Readership Development

Chile - Young Readership Development

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The youth actions of ANP, Asociación Nacional de la Prensa, concentrate on two highly successful nationwide initiatives:

The Current Events Olympics calls for contestants to study a newspaper and one informative magazine for a month, then meet to compete. In a live competition the jury poses eight questions to each group. Those who win pass to the next level up to a national round. An average of 250 secondary schools participate in this national contest, with a total of 2000 students. The association partners with a university, which provides funding and all local venues. Winners and their teachers get technological prizes.

Interview contest winners.Interview contest winners.In a national interview contest, Concurso de lectores infantiles, children ages 7 to 12 submit 10 questions intended for a public figure they would like to interview. Authors of the best three sets of questions get to interview their subject. The interview is recorded on video and also printed in newspapers. The contest has been going on since 2001. The association receives an average of 5000 submissions yearly. This activity inspired a similar contest for Hungary and, in part, WAN-IFRA's global My Dream Interview Festival. The educational organization created a teacher guide and tools for teachers to use media in their classrooms.


Aralynn McMane's picture

Aralynn McMane


2016-10-07 16:46

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The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) helps newspapers, parents and teachers work together to engage the young to create a literate, civic-minded new generation of readers all over the world. Read more ...