World Association of News Publishers

Writing for Digital Media ~ a workshop for news publishing



Writing for Digital Media ~ a workshop for news publishing

Date and Location

  • 17 Aug 2015 - 18 Aug 2015

Introduction to Event


Today people read text on ever-smailler screens, including tablets, and smartphones, making attracting readers even more difficult. Web-usability research also shows that users tend to skim or scan content, especially when they first visit a website.  For all these reasons, journalists have to present text differently online.

This two-days course covers both the mindset and skills needed to produce truly compelling digital-first content. Do you know your SEO from your CMS? How about your social web from your semantic web? 

Great articles on the web are about much more than words. As well as reading well, you need to make sure the story looks good, is optimized for search engines and attracts attention when shared on social networks. 

The course will demonstrate how you can adapt the valuable skills you already have to the digital world, while integrating new content types into your work.

Writing for Digital Media ~ a workshop for news publishing

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