World Association of News Publishers

Leadership Skills Enhancement for Editors



Leadership Skills Enhancement for Editors

Date and Location

  • 04 Nov 2015 - 05 Nov 2015

Introduction to Event


In this changing media landscape, it is generally accepted that there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for how a newsroom should be structured and how it should operate.  But it is clear that success comes down to good leadership. 

This workshop looks at how to lead change and increase engagement by first examining what change is, how it affects staff and its impact on newsroom operation. It explores leadership, communication, conflict and trust and their role in increasing employee engagement.  Participants also discuss key issues regarding organizational dynamics such as newsroom culture.

Participants will look at steps they can take, techniques to use and tools to lead change and reduce resistance to change.  There is no “magic formula” for change.  Every organization needs its own process and this workshop will help you work out what’s appropriate for your newsroom.

Course Outline

  • Explain the psychology of change at an individual level and how it affects people working in the newsroom.
  • Explain how change affects the newsroom and production staff at an organizational level.
  • Discuss leadership, your role and the work of the change team.
  • Explore tools that prepare an organization for the roller coaster ride of disruptive change such as readiness audits, communication plans, training and coaching.
  • Prepare yourself personally to lead your newsroom or media house.
  • Develop change and leadership skills including skills to deal with conflict, build trust and better communicate to increase employee engagement.

Leadership Skills Enhancement for Editors

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