World Printers Forum
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After the evaluation of the results of the International Color Quality Club 2020–2022 (ICQC) competition for newspapers and magazines, eligible new members are joining the WAN-IFRA Star Club of elite printers.
World Printers Forum

The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. Its objective is to encourage innovation and productivity as well as product development that can be instrumental for publishers to exploit future oriented news media products. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production.
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2015-08-12 13:59Oosterhout, 12 August 2015 – Q.I. Press Controls has received the largest ever order in its history from Newsprinters UK for its printing sites in Broxbourne and Eurocentral. Newsprinters comprises three divisions: Broxbourne, Knowsley and Eurocentral. Of these, Broxbourne is the largest and is responsible for printing some of the UK’s major national dailies, such as The Times and The Daily Telegraph. Broxbourne’s plant consists of 60 towers and Eurocentral's 12. Newsprinters recently announced all these towers are equipped with Q.I. Press Controls’ IDS-3D. Read more ...
2015-08-12 13:28Watford, England, 11. August 2015 – Kodak Limited und die Guiton Group Limited geben die Gründung von KP Services (Jersey) Limited, eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens von Kodak und der Guiton Group Limited, Inhaber der Jersey Evening Post, bekannt. Read more ...
2015-08-11 12:23Rochester, N.Y., 7. August – Kodak übergab heute eine neue Fertigungslinie in seinem Werk in Columbus im US-Bundesstaat Georgia offiziell ihrer Bestimmung. Auf der neuen Linie werden prozessfreie KODAK SONORA Platten hergestellt. Mehr als 2.700 Druckereien auf der ganzen Welt verwenden bereits prozessfreie SONORA Druckplatten, da sie die Produktivität, Qualität und Druckeigenschaften von Platten mit herkömmlicher nasschemischer Verarbeitung bieten und die herkömmliche Plattenverarbeitung komplett eliminieren. Das Unternehmen nahm die neue Fertigungslinie mit dem feierlichen Durchschneiden des Bandes offiziell in Betrieb. An der Eröffnung nahmen Jeff Clarke, CEO der Eastman Kodak Company, Brad Kruchten, President, Print Systems Division und Senior Vice President Eastman Kodak Company, sowie führende Repräsentanten aus dem kommunalen Bereich und Kunden teil. Read more ...
2015-08-11 07:47Würzburg, 11.08.2015 – In the second quarter of 2015 Koenig & Bauer (KBA) came significantly closer to achieving its target of positive results in all business segments. In the first six months the printing press manufacturer was able to greatly increase its order intake with a plus of 33.2% year-on-year to €607.5m. At €597.9m group order backlog on 30 June was around 43% higher than at the beginning of the year. In contrast, at €426.9m sales at the mid-year mark were below the previous year (€517.8m) and thus proportionally behind the group’s annual target of over €1bn. The disproportionate distribution of sales to the second half-year was previously announced by the management board. Although KBA’s cost base has been substantially reduced by Fit@All, the lag in sales impacted on earnings. President and CEO Claus Bolza-Schünemann: “Group profit before taxes of €6.9m in the second quarter led to an improvement in our EBT from –€17.7m after three months to –€10.8m mid-year. We are particularly pleased with the major improvements in earnings in Sheetfed and Digital & Web. Despite this half-time shortfall, with catching-up in mind we continue to target an EBT margin of up to 2% of sales for 2015.” Read more ...
2015-08-10 09:2007.08.2015 – „Eigentlich keine typischen Frauenberufe“, so beschreibt die 13-jährige Julia Herrmann jene Tätigkeiten, die zwölf Schülerinnen im Alter von 12-14 Jahren im „Mädchen für Technik-Camp“ bei der Koenig & Bauer AG in Würzburg ausgiebig erkunden konnten. Bereits zum 13. Mal gab KBA in der ersten Sommerferienwoche jungen Mädchen einen praxisnahen Einblick in die technische Berufswelt im Hightech-Maschinen-bau. „Mit der schon langjährigen Beteiligung wollen wir das Berufsspektrum der Mädchen erweitern, ihnen Chancen und Anforderungen von technischen Berufen aufzeigen und sie für diese Berufsfelder begeistern,“ so der Leiter der KBA-Werkberufsschule Reinhard Munz. „Und auch dem hartnäckigen Klischee entgegenwirken, dass technische Berufe eher für Jungs geeignet seien.“ Read more ...
2015-08-06 09:33(PresseBox) Waltershausen, 05.08.2015 – International industrial partner and supplier for the printing industry ContiTech has acquired the German sleeve and roller manufacturer TEGU Walzen und Sleeves GmbH based in Waltershausen. "With this strategic step, we are continuing to expand our product portfolio for print shops while simultaneously completing our existing product range in the growing market for flexographic printing plates. This will enable us to respond even more effectively to customer requirements in the future," says Dr. Peter Scholtissek, head of the Elastomer Coatings business unit, explaining this strategic step and adding: "All 23 employees will be retained and thus become part of our successful ContiTech location in Waltershausen." Read more ...
2015-08-05 18:36Wie Zeitungsdruckereien weltweit auf sinkende Auflagen, Kostendruck und anspruchsvollere Kundenwünsche reagieren, versucht nun erstmals eine Studie des Weltzeitungsverbands WAN-IFRA zu erforschen. Zeitungsdrucker sind eingeladen, ihre Expertise zu teilen. Read more ...
2015-08-05 13:58Hinwil, 15 July 2015 – Within the context of ValuePlus, Ferag customers obtain a full service package from the WRH Marketing Group. The package comprises contracts for preventive maintenance and for systems analyses with the corresponding retrofit products. Read more ...
2015-08-05 13:23Oosterhout, 5 August 2015 – In January 2014, Karlskrona-based Sydostpressarna in Sweden opted to install a fully automated system from Q.I. Press Controls. One year later, Q.I. Press Controls went back to find out what happened next. The organisation, it seems, is more than happy with the results. Read more ...
2015-08-05 11:5904.08.2015 – At the World Publishing Expo in Hamburg (October 5 to 7), Muller Martini will show newspaper producers at Booth 520 in Hall 4 how they can stand out from the competition and prepare for future markets. Read more ...
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While our industry has been absorbed with going digital over recent years, many legacy newspapers have renewed their print products to meet changing audiences' needs and expectations about newspapers.
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The trend toward consolidation of newspaper printing centres is slowly coming to a halt, says consultant Sabine Sirach. After all, for printed daily newspapers, there are physical limitations to the distribution distances that can be covered while still being up-to-date and relevant.
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"The print industry – suppliers and users alike – must continue to adjust its approach and follow the example of classic industrial branches in order to remain fit for the future," says Robert Heitzer.
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Since 2005, WAN-IFRA has certified several newspaper printing plants based on ISO 12647-3. Use the certification to improve production workflows, quality level, staff know-how, and market position.
The International Color Quality Club is the only worldwide printing quality competition for newspapers and magazines. Its goal is to improve the quality of reproduction and printing in production, while also increasing competitiveness as well as training and motivating all personnel.
The Materials Management Database project was launched as a spinoff of the Newsprint and Newsink Guide. Today it is used by printers, pressroom foremen and technical management as an information source for facts and advice for dealing with the materials used in producing newspapers. Among other informaton you find the specification of the WAN-IFRA Bar Code for paper reels in this online database. Most of the entries in the database originate from the members of the Material Management Committee; some come from outside sources (as marked), after review and approval by the committee. This database is continually being updated and expanded. New entries will be marked with a label in red type.
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