World Printers Forum
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After the evaluation of the results of the International Color Quality Club 2020–2022 (ICQC) competition for newspapers and magazines, eligible new members are joining the WAN-IFRA Star Club of elite printers.
World Printers Forum

The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. Its objective is to encourage innovation and productivity as well as product development that can be instrumental for publishers to exploit future oriented news media products. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production.
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2016-06-16 10:17Kiel, June 15, 2016 – On June 6-7, 2016, over 160 guests from all over the world attended ppi’s Open Days at the Atlantic Hotel in Kiel to discuss the latest trends and innovations in the publishing industry. Norbert Ohl, CEO of ppi Media for many years, officially opened the event and symbolically handed over the reins to his successors Hauke Berndt, Markus Feldenkirchen and Jan Kasten, who will take over as managing directors on July 1, 2016. Next year, ppi’s Open Days will take place on May 29-30, 2017 in Hamburg. Read more ...
2016-06-15 09:5214.06.2016 – Bruno Müller looks back at the company's successful participation at drupa. The CEO of Muller Martini was particularly delighted by all the positive customer feedback with regard to the booth's concept: "The way we explained our core topic of Finishing 4.0 in a clear and impressive manner surprised many visitors." Read more ...
2016-06-14 12:0314.06.2016 – Mit dem In-Log-VarioMailer von Merten Maschinenbau kann das personalisierte Feinzoning erfolgreich in der Praxis umgesetzt werden und das bei einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 25.000 Exemplaren in der Stunde. Read more ...
2016-06-14 08:3913.06.2016 – Claus Bolza-Schünemann, CEO and president of Koenig & Bauer (KBA) and Drupa president 2016, announced a decidedly positive closing verdict on this year’s industry’s leading trade show which closed its doors on 10 June after eleven days and some 260,000 visitors. “Print in all its diversity made a strong comeback at Drupa 2016 following structural shifts over the past eight years. You could feel it in the halls that most companies had done their homework and adapted to new market realities. We were very positively surprised by the quantity, quality and internationality of the visitors. Many came very well prepared with clear requirements which made consulting easier. The atmosphere and willingness to invest on the busy KBA stand were exceptional. Many visitors praised us for the open and practical presentations of our products and services. This is particularly nice to hear,” Bolza-Schünemann concluded. Read more ...
2016-06-14 07:52Rochester, NY, 13. Juni 2016 – Für Kodak wurde die drupa 2016 zu einem überwältigenden Erfolg. Schon am siebten drupa-Tag war das selbst gesteckte Umsatzziel erreicht und am Ende der Messe lag man bei 181 % des geplanten Ziels. Während der 11 Messetage besuchten Zehntausende Besucher, Interessenten und bestehende Kunden aus aller Welt das Kodak Quarter, um Abschlüsse zu tätigen und die neuesten Innovationen des Unternehmens zu sehen. Auf der drupa stellte Kodak mehr als 20 neue Produkte und Technologien vor. Read more ...
2016-06-13 08:3410.06.2016 – Alongside a flurry of orders for sheetfed offset presses totalling far over €100m ($113m), on the last day of a spectacularly successful Drupa the Koenig & Bauer Group (KBA) announced the sale of a waterless KBA Cortina compact web press. Until now, with the exception of newspaper house Gulf News in Dubai, only European printing companies have installed the waterless Cortina, a press known for its excellent print quality. The 20th press ordered from this highly automated press series will produce newspapers, magazines, supplements and other print products thousands of kilometres away on the popular island of La Réunion which belongs to France. Read more ...
2016-06-09 13:33Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 9. Juni 2016 – Kodak konnte den größten Auftrag über Kodak Prosper-Technologie für die südliche Erdhalbkugel mit dem südafrikanischen Druckdienstleister Novus Holdings, bisher als Paarl Media Group bekannt, feiern. Die Produktionstechnik umfasst eine Kodak Prosper 6000C-Druckmaschine mit einem vollautomatischen FoldLine-Falzwerk von manroland web systems für Novus Print Solutions, den Digitaldruckbetrieb von Novus Holdings, sowie sieben Kodak Prosper S20-Eindrucksysteme für Offsetdruckmaschinen in anderen Druckereien des Unternehmens in Südafrika. Read more ...
2016-06-09 10:48Chicago, IL, 6th June 2016 – The Windsor Star and Postmedia have selected Harland Simon to replace the EAE press control system, upper press drives and motors, as well as the reelstand acceleration and infeed drives on their KBA Colora press in Windsor, ON, Canada. Read more ...
2016-06-09 09:50June 8, 2016 – The InPEQ Forum, a meeting of members of the printing industry from the Balkan States and their European partners, took place for the eleventh time on June 7th. This year’s host was the main sponsor of the event, manroland web systems. drupa 2016 was chosen as a befitting location by the organisation of Eastern European printers. More than 50 managers and experts from the printing industry from a total of twelve European countries participated in the event. Alongside a live presentation of newspaper production with the variable Inline Finishing Module FoldLine at the manroland web systems Stand, there was time for interesting discussions and a multitude of useful contacts were made. Read more ...
2016-06-08 12:0207.06.2016 – Mohn Media Mohndruck GmbH equips its new 96-page-rotation in Gütersloh with rotary trimmer lines for postpress processing. The company relies on a complete In-Log postpress solution by Merten-Maschinenbau. Read more ...
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While our industry has been absorbed with going digital over recent years, many legacy newspapers have renewed their print products to meet changing audiences' needs and expectations about newspapers.
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The trend toward consolidation of newspaper printing centres is slowly coming to a halt, says consultant Sabine Sirach. After all, for printed daily newspapers, there are physical limitations to the distribution distances that can be covered while still being up-to-date and relevant.
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"The print industry – suppliers and users alike – must continue to adjust its approach and follow the example of classic industrial branches in order to remain fit for the future," says Robert Heitzer.
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Since 2005, WAN-IFRA has certified several newspaper printing plants based on ISO 12647-3. Use the certification to improve production workflows, quality level, staff know-how, and market position.
The International Color Quality Club is the only worldwide printing quality competition for newspapers and magazines. Its goal is to improve the quality of reproduction and printing in production, while also increasing competitiveness as well as training and motivating all personnel.
The Materials Management Database project was launched as a spinoff of the Newsprint and Newsink Guide. Today it is used by printers, pressroom foremen and technical management as an information source for facts and advice for dealing with the materials used in producing newspapers. Among other informaton you find the specification of the WAN-IFRA Bar Code for paper reels in this online database. Most of the entries in the database originate from the members of the Material Management Committee; some come from outside sources (as marked), after review and approval by the committee. This database is continually being updated and expanded. New entries will be marked with a label in red type.
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