World Printers Forum
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After the evaluation of the results of the International Color Quality Club 2020–2022 (ICQC) competition for newspapers and magazines, eligible new members are joining the WAN-IFRA Star Club of elite printers.
World Printers Forum

The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. Its objective is to encourage innovation and productivity as well as product development that can be instrumental for publishers to exploit future oriented news media products. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production.
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2017-02-23 11:07Berlin-Spandau, 17. Februar 2017 – Am Standort Berlin bedient das Druckhaus Spandau seit 1993 täglich die Leser in der Hauptstadt und den neuen Bundesländern mit druckfrischen Zeitungsprodukten. Insgesamt sind im Druckhaus Spandau ca. 250 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Jährlich werden knapp eine Millionen Druckplatten erstellt und 40.000 t Papier bedruckt. Bereits in 2010 wurde die Entscheidung für eine Teststellung des ersten Advantage N-TR Belichters getroffen. Heute hat der Belichter mehr als 2 Millionen Druckplatten verarbeitet und arbeitet immer noch einwandfrei. Read more ...
2017-02-21 11:42(UPM, Helsinki, 20 February 2017 at 10:00 EET) – You don't have to wonder anymore, whether and where you can find a suitable paper for your digital printing machine. UPM introduces the DIGI Matchmaker - an online tool developed to assist in finding the paper perfectly matching your requirements from our UPM Digi papers range. Read more ...
2017-02-17 10:53Rochester, N.Y., 16. Februar 2017 – Kodak präsentiert mit der Kodak Prinergy Cloud eine Cloud-Plattform mit Analytikfunktionen, die Druckdienstleistern neue, in der Branche erstmals verfügbare Lösungen zur Minimierung von Kosten und Risiken sowie zur Förderung ihres geschäftlichen Wachstums bietet. Die Prinergy Cloud generiert aus Produktionsdaten leicht zu interpretierende, in einem Kennzahlenmonitor dargestellte Berichte mit handlungsrelevanten Informationen, die fundierte Entscheidungen in Echtzeit ermöglichen. Kunden können sämtliche Prinergy Cloud-Dienste mit in den Betrieben vorhandener Workflow-Software von Kodak integrieren und durch die Reduzierung von Hardware- und Administrationsaufwand ihre Betriebskosten senken. Read more ...
2017-02-16 13:32Oosterhout, 16 February 2017 – A welcome addition to the Q.I. Press Controls sales team since last November has been that of Harold Drinhuyzen. As such, the 54-year-old from nearby Breda returns to the company which had previously been his place of work from 2003 to 2009. Harold Drinhuyzen now has responsibility for the international sales of QIPC-EAE in the Mediterranean region, a number of African countries and Russia. Read more ...
2017-02-16 12:32Hamburg, 15. Februar 2017 – Die Draabe Industrietechnik GmbH hat einen eigenen YouTube-Kanal gestartet. Leicht verständliche Kurzfilme erklären in wenigen Minuten alle Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Funktionsweisen der aktuellen Luftbefeuchtungstechnik in der Druck- und Verpackungsindustrie. Der Kanal ist unter erreichbar. Read more ...
2017-02-15 11:4197.7 % of the population over the age of 15 reads the press in France. The ACPM, an association set up by the main players in the French journalism sector -publishers, ad agencies, distributors and mediators – has published a study providing data on press dissemination and consumption throughout 2016. Read more ...
2017-02-13 14:57Watford, UK, 13. Februar 2017 – Kodak lädt Drucker und Branchenführer ein, an der diesjährigen Konferenz der Graphic Users Association (GUA) teilzunehmen, die vom 15. bis zum 18. März 2017 in Krakau, Polen, stattfindet. Die GUA-Konferenz mit Geoff Ramm, Schöpfer und Autor von Celebrity Service und OMG Marketing (Observational Marketing Greats), als Hauptredner wird die heißesten Branchentrends in den Blickpunkt rücken: Digital- und Verpackungsdruck. Ein zusätzlicher Schwerpunkt wird auf die Cloud und deren zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen gelegt. Read more ...
2017-02-10 10:55(PresseBox) (Frankfurt, 07.02.2017) – The German printing and paper technology industry looks back on a generally satisfactory year 2016. The turnover of the total industry rose by 8 percent. “As expected, business of our member companies developed good after the strong level of incoming orders during the previous year,” said Dr. Markus Heering, Managing Director of the VDMA Printing and Paper Technology Association, at today`s annual press conference of the Association in Frankfurt. Read more ...
2017-02-08 14:17Berlin, 7. Februar 2017 – Zum dritten Mal in Folge steigen die Bruttowerbeausgaben für Print. Das zeigt die aktuelle Bilanz zum Bruttowerbemarkt des Marktforschungsun-ternehmens Nielsen. 2016 wurden rund 10,5 Milliarden Euro in Printwerbung investiert – ein Zuwachs von 2,6 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Seit 2013 ist der Wert um fast 400 Millionen Euro gestiegen. Read more ...
2017-02-08 13:17Sussex, Wisconsin, USA; 7 February 2017 – QuadTech today announced that Indian publishing house Malayala Manorama Co. Ltd, one of the leading media groups in India, has purchased a suite of QuadTech print quality control solutions: the ICON™ Integrated Platform, Register Guidance with MultiCam® and Ribbon Control with MultiCam®. Read more ...
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The current widespread interest in digital publishing does not mean the possibilities of print have been exhausted – far from it, according to the three speakers at Monday morning's Print World session on the Power of Print Innovation.
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While our industry has been absorbed with going digital over recent years, many legacy newspapers have renewed their print products to meet changing audiences' needs and expectations about newspapers.
Published in Digital Media Editor's Weblog Print Production by Ingrid Cobben on 2016-09-20 11:06
The trend toward consolidation of newspaper printing centres is slowly coming to a halt, says consultant Sabine Sirach. After all, for printed daily newspapers, there are physical limitations to the distribution distances that can be covered while still being up-to-date and relevant.
Published in Print Production World Publishing Expo Blog by Brian Veseling on 2016-09-08 15:54
"The print industry – suppliers and users alike – must continue to adjust its approach and follow the example of classic industrial branches in order to remain fit for the future," says Robert Heitzer.
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Print publishers should use graphic design in addition to other tools to improve sustainability, asserts Pedro Matos, a design...
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Since 2005, WAN-IFRA has certified several newspaper printing plants based on ISO 12647-3. Use the certification to improve production workflows, quality level, staff know-how, and market position.
The International Color Quality Club is the only worldwide printing quality competition for newspapers and magazines. Its goal is to improve the quality of reproduction and printing in production, while also increasing competitiveness as well as training and motivating all personnel.
The Materials Management Database project was launched as a spinoff of the Newsprint and Newsink Guide. Today it is used by printers, pressroom foremen and technical management as an information source for facts and advice for dealing with the materials used in producing newspapers. Among other informaton you find the specification of the WAN-IFRA Bar Code for paper reels in this online database. Most of the entries in the database originate from the members of the Material Management Committee; some come from outside sources (as marked), after review and approval by the committee. This database is continually being updated and expanded. New entries will be marked with a label in red type.
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