World Printers Forum
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After the evaluation of the results of the International Color Quality Club 2020–2022 (ICQC) competition for newspapers and magazines, eligible new members are joining the WAN-IFRA Star Club of elite printers.
World Printers Forum

The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. Its objective is to encourage innovation and productivity as well as product development that can be instrumental for publishers to exploit future oriented news media products. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production.
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2016-12-22 12:5922.12.2016 – Over the course of the past few years, KBA Digital & Web has adjusted successfully to the drastically shrinking market for new newspaper presses and in the meantime places an additional focus on growing market segments such as service or digital, functional and packaging printing. Even so, the role of the world's leading supplier of newspaper press lines for the upper and highest performance classes remains undisputed, and the modern portfolio presented by the manufacturer of the first ever rotary newspaper press is evidence that KBA has no intention of surrendering this position. The last 12 months have seen orders received from Mittelrhein Verlag in Koblenz for a further Commander CT 6/2, from Mitteldeutsche Zeitung in Halle and Druck- und Pressehaus Naumann in Gelnhausen for two Commander CL presses, and from CPI on the island of La Réunion for a waterless KBA Cortina. Read more ...
2016-12-22 12:47Rochester, N.Y., 21. Dezember 2016 – „Wir rechneten mit der Bekanntgabe einer Vereinbarung über den Verkauf des Prosper Geschäfts bis zum Jahresende 2016 und setzen die Gespräche mit potenziellen Käufern fort. Wir erwarten nun, dass die Verhandlungen bis in das Jahr 2017 hinein fortgeführt werden“, sagt Philip Cullimore, President und verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Enterprise Inkjet und Micro 3D Printing & Packaging. Einzelheiten des Verkaufsprozesses werden vertraulich behandelt. Read more ...
2016-12-20 11:37December 19, 2016 – Depending on applications ranging from board to foil printing, an optimized arrangement of presses with offset, flexo and gravure printing units in hybrid configuration is available. The established Pecom-X drive, operation and workflow management system is the basis for combining various components from manroland web systems to form a one-system solution. The first press of the new generation has been sold with Offset and Gravure printing units for the flexible packaging industry. Read more ...
2016-12-19 14:5415.12.2016 – With an order for two new double-width KBA Cortina presses and a comprehensive retrofit programme for its existing KBA Commander line, newspaper printer Coldset Printing Partners from Belgium has committed to a major investment in print capabilities. “It was especially important for us, that we can obtain everything we need from a single source. The biggest challenge will be to coordinate the extensive retrofit measures perfectly with the installation of the new presses. But given our longstanding partnership, we are convinced that Koenig & Bauer will accomplish this task in admirable fashion,” says CPP managing director Paul Huybrechts. The first of six retrofit phases will begin in the middle of next year, and the two KBA Cortinas are scheduled to go live at the CPP print centre in Paal-Beringen in 2018 and 2019. With their flexible web width (1200mm-1620mm/47.2in-63.8in), the Cortinas are able to produce the most varied formats. Read more ...
2016-12-19 13:22Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 15 December, 2016 – QuadTech India has relocated to a larger, modern facility located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Steady growth of the print market in India and southeast Asia have sparked increasing interest in QuadTech’s control technology solutions, prompting a need for expanded and more functional facilities. Read more ...
2016-12-19 12:51Durham, N.H. December 14, 2016 – Goss International announces the addition of two senior executives to its management team, as it continues its restructuring and renewal efforts. Stanley Blakney has been hired as Chief Operating Officer and Durham, New Hampshire, Site Leader and Sven Doerge has been hired as Chief Financial Officer. Blakney has served in his role since August and Doerge joined Goss in June. Read more ...
2016-12-12 11:18(UPM, Helsinki, 12 December 2016 at 12:00 EET) – UPM has published a new version of the UPM paper product catalogue. The catalogue presents UPM Paper ENA (Europe and North America) product portfolio and relevant environmental information. Read more ...
2016-12-07 10:08Hudson, NH, USA, December 06, 2016 – Presstek, LLC, leading provider of eco-friendly printing solutions for commercial and newspaper printers, today announced the further expansion of its North American sales team with the appointment of Sean McGovern as Sales Manager, Central Region, CTP Systems & Printing Plates. Read more ...
2016-12-01 14:15Kinna, December 1st, 2016 – Based in Everett (WA) in the northwest pacific region of USA, Sound Publishing plays a major role as the largest community media organization in the state. The company was founded in 1987 under the name Whidbey Press Newspaper Group and had three publication at that time. Mainly through acquisition the company has grown steadily over the years and today operates almost 50 newspaper titles of its own. Read more ...
2016-12-01 13:40December 1, 2016 – The Cromoman 4-1 has especially been designed considering Indian conditions. It is a 4-tower 4-1 press that is capable of versatile printing possibilities, such as 32 pages, two times 16 pages, 24 pages plus 8 pages and various possibilities of two books in parallel production. There is an additional quarter fold for magazine printing. The maximum production speed is 75,000 copies per hour. Read more ...
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The current widespread interest in digital publishing does not mean the possibilities of print have been exhausted – far from it, according to the three speakers at Monday morning's Print World session on the Power of Print Innovation.
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While our industry has been absorbed with going digital over recent years, many legacy newspapers have renewed their print products to meet changing audiences' needs and expectations about newspapers.
Published in Digital Media Editor's Weblog Print Production by Ingrid Cobben on 2016-09-20 11:06
The trend toward consolidation of newspaper printing centres is slowly coming to a halt, says consultant Sabine Sirach. After all, for printed daily newspapers, there are physical limitations to the distribution distances that can be covered while still being up-to-date and relevant.
Published in Print Production World Publishing Expo Blog by Brian Veseling on 2016-09-08 15:54
"The print industry – suppliers and users alike – must continue to adjust its approach and follow the example of classic industrial branches in order to remain fit for the future," says Robert Heitzer.
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Print publishers should use graphic design in addition to other tools to improve sustainability, asserts Pedro Matos, a design...
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Since 2005, WAN-IFRA has certified several newspaper printing plants based on ISO 12647-3. Use the certification to improve production workflows, quality level, staff know-how, and market position.
The International Color Quality Club is the only worldwide printing quality competition for newspapers and magazines. Its goal is to improve the quality of reproduction and printing in production, while also increasing competitiveness as well as training and motivating all personnel.
The Materials Management Database project was launched as a spinoff of the Newsprint and Newsink Guide. Today it is used by printers, pressroom foremen and technical management as an information source for facts and advice for dealing with the materials used in producing newspapers. Among other informaton you find the specification of the WAN-IFRA Bar Code for paper reels in this online database. Most of the entries in the database originate from the members of the Material Management Committee; some come from outside sources (as marked), after review and approval by the committee. This database is continually being updated and expanded. New entries will be marked with a label in red type.
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