World Association of News Publishers

Ken Doctor Joins Programme of Digital Media Latinoamérica

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Ken Doctor Joins Programme of Digital Media Latinoamérica


Fresh from a big tour of European publishers, media analyst and author Ken Doctor has joined the programme for the upcoming Digital Media Latinoamérica, a new event that is shaping up to be the region’s premier digital publishing conference.

#DML13, to be held on 30 and 31 October next in Bogotá, Colombia, has attracted some of the leading media figures from Latin America and beyond. In only its first year, the conference will feature some of the industry’s leading experts on digital strategies, including Clark Gilbert, President and CEO of the Deseret News and Deseret Digital Media in the United States, Gastón Roitberg, Head of the Multimedia Desk at La Nación in Argentina, Rob Grimshaw, Managing Director of, and many others.

There is still time to register and join publishers, editors, advertising directors and other digital news media professionals from across the region: full details can be found at

Ken Doctor, author of “Newsonomics: Twelve New Trends That Will Shape the News You Get” (St Martin’s Press), and its companion website,, recently opened the World Publishing Expo in Berlin, Germany, where he posed numerous hot-button questions to Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner and Guardian CEO Andrew Miller. He highlighted some pointers heading into 2014 and will elaborate on them at Digital Media Latinoamérica.

His “pointers” at the Expo, the largest global trade exhibition for the news publishing and media industry organised by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) – which is also organising #DML13 -- can be found at

In his presentation, Rob Grimshaw will refer to the recent strategic decision by the FT to complete its transformation into a digital first, flexible multichannel publisher.

Other speakers at Digital Media Latinoamérica include:

- Jon Ruiz, CEO of Casa Editorial El Tiempo in Colombia, one of the first media houses in Latin America to undergo newsroom convergence and still a regional reference. He will discuss how the digital strategy is part of an overall company diversification process, in an opening session on “Moving Forward in Times of Transition” that also features Mr Doctor and Mr Gilbert.

- Michael Cooke, Editor, and Ali Rahnema, Vice President for Digital at the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest circulation newspaper that recently implemented an innovative paywall strategy. They will speak in a session on “Entering Paid Content 2.0” that also features Mr Grimshaw, Matt Skibinski, Vice President for Affiliate Relations at Press +, the leading payment platform in the United States, Ana Busch, Director of the Digital Committee at the Brazilian newspaper association ANJ, and Matt Lindsay, CEO of Mather Economics, which specialises in measuring the impact of paid content deployment.

- Roberto De Celis, Digital Business Director at Vocento, who will speak in a session dedicated to “Digital Advertising Trends and Innovations”. Other presenters include Orlando Álvarez, Advertising Director for the Lowe agency in El Salvador; and Alexandra Salomon, Senior Director for International at the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

- Dario D’Atri, Editor-in-chief of in Argentina, who will speak in a session dedicated to the “Latest Tools to Foster Digital Engagment”, including video, web-TV, social media and innovative storytelling. The session also features Mr Roitberg, Matthew Sanders, General Manager, Publisher Solutions at Deseret Digital Media, and Roberto Dias, Assistant Editor at Folha de Sao Paulo in Brazil.

The conference will be opened by Diego Molano Vega, the Minister of Information Technology and Communication in Colombia, and will also include a session on “Google, Facebook and Intellectual Property – How Do We Move Forward?”

Full details, including registration information, can be found at

WAN-IFRA, based in Paris, France, and Darmstadt, Germany, with subsidiaries in Singapore and India, is the global organisation of the world’s newspapers and news publishers. It represents more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries. Its core mission is to defend and promote press freedom, quality journalism and editorial integrity and the development of prosperous businesses.

Inquiries to: Larry Kilman, Deputy CEO and Director of Communications and Public Affairs, WAN-IFRA, 96 bis, rue Beaubourg, 75003 Paris France. Tel: +33 1 47 42 85 07. Fax: +33 1 42 78 92 33. Mobile: +33 6 10 28 97 36. E-mail:

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