World Association of News Publishers

press freedom

WAN-IFRA’s Global Press Freedom Report takes a twelve-month snapshot of the major issues affecting press freedom and freedom of expression worldwide. You can download our full report in PDF format.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-05-24 18:08


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-05-20 17:15

Paris, France, Darmstadt, Germany and Vienna, Austria, May 7, 2013 – The International Press Institute and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) today welcomed the passage of seminal legislation in Mexico designed to combat the almost complete impunity in cases of crimes committed against the country’s journalists.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-05-07 15:04

Change is in the air for the Myanmar media - after months of broken promises, the country’s censorship office was finally closed in September 2012, while pre-publication censorship has been abolished and on 1 April 2013, daily newspapers were printed for the first time in close to 50 years. However, information from media advocacy groups and journalists reveals sharp barriers to the nation’s supposed media liberation.


Allison DeAngelis


2013-04-12 15:51


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-02-20 20:24


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-02-01 12:28


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-01-10 13:00

In a bold move, a number of Egypt's most prominent independent newspapers are staging a one day media blackout in protest against President Mohamed Morsi’s latest constitutional decree that hands him nearly unrestricted powers, as well as the final draft of the constitution that was adopted last week by an Islamic-led panel.


Farah Wael's picture

Farah Wael


2012-12-04 19:15

Grupo Clarín, the publisher of Argentina’s most widely read daily newspaper and the largest media conglomerate in the country, once enjoyed a favourable relationship with the government. Now, the two are engaged in a public tussle in which each side claims that the other poses a threat to freedom of expression: the administration of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner accuses Clarín of having a monopolistic stranglehold over the country’s media, and the news conglomerate charges the government with striving to stifle dissenting voices.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-11-25 19:22

Ahead of a crucial vote in the Ukrainian Parliament, WAN-IFRA appeals to parliamentarians to vote to rescind proposed amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code that would reintroduce criminal libel.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2012-10-01 16:50

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