World Association of News Publishers

Advertising Summit 2012


The leading exhibition for technology to publish news on tablets, mobile, in print and online.

29 Oct 2012 - 31 Oct 2012

Advertising Summit 2012

Wed, 2012-10-31 09:30 - 17:00
Make Mobile Money!
Digital Arena, Stand 790, Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt

“There is a new disruptor lurking and that disruptor is mobile.” – These are the words of  an expert - Gordon Borrell during his opening keynote at the Borrell Local Online Advertising Conference in March 2012. Newspaper Companies must not miss the chance to go mobile and to offer mobile to their advertising clients.

While most of the newsmedia companies still consider a mobile strategy as merely “Build It and They Will Come.” – mobile must also make money now – if only to compensate for losses in print advertising. The advertising summit will focus on examples of profitable mobile strategies.

 View the whole conference programme here.