World Association of News Publishers

WAN-IFRA Media Hack Day


The leading exhibition for technology to publish news on tablets, mobile, in print and online.

07 Oct 2013 - 09 Oct 2013

WAN-IFRA Media Hack Day

Sat, 2013-10-05 14:00 - Sun, 2013-10-06 18:00
Axel Springer’s Plug and Play premises, Markgrafenstraße 14, 10969 Berlin

Join us for the first WAN-IFRA  Media Hack Day in Berlin !

Teams of developers, journalists and designers, invited by WAN-IFRA, will come together around a common challenge about the future of newspapers, seeking ideas and solutions to help shape progressive and sustainable news businesses that have at their core excellent, ethical journalism. Teams will be asked to hack a couple of newspapers’ archives and to come up with solutions that will make this content meaningful and accessible. The winners will be announced at the World Publishing Expo Opening on 7 October at the Berlin Messe.

For the uninitiated, a hackathon is an event where computer developers, journalists and designers get together and compete in teams to design innovative software solutions and tools to solve a common problem or challenge.


Check out the official Media Hack Day website:

Hackathon partners are:


Register here.