World Association of News Publishers

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Global experience, best-practice & resources En savoir plus ...

Identifying global best practice En savoir plus ...

The WAN-IFRA Asia Pacific team organises awards conferences, exhibitions, masterclasses, trainings, and conducts research for members in this region of the world.

Insights into alternative revenue streams En savoir plus ...

Highlighting global best-practice transformation En savoir plus ...

Advertising Resources and Insight En savoir plus ...

The World Printers Forum (WPF) is an organisation of newspaper printers and suppliers within WAN-IFRA. It promotes the power of print and the sustainability of print production. En savoir plus ...

What must we do next?

24 Nov 2014 - 26 Nov 2014

Maîtriser le nouvel environnement juridique et la loi dite Hadopi

12 Juin 2012

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