World Association of News Publishers

Robb Montgomery

Robb Montgomery

CEO, Montgomery Multimedia, USA

Robb Montgomery is the CEO of Montgomery Multimedia in Germany.  

Robb Montgomery has taught video journalism and documentary filmmaking since 2005 and he develops smartphone courses used by broadcast reporters around the globe. 

He is the author of “A Field Guide for Mobile Journalism” series of training manuals. 

Montgomery is a former editor at the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times. 

He has produced documentary films in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. 

Montgomery developed the smartphone reporting training, technology and workflows used by hundreds of Radio Free Europe (RFE/RL) reporters and correspondents.

He is the architect of the IREX S.M.A.R.T. Media Lab - a modern training facility built from the ground up to serve mobile reporting and digital journalism instruction methods for several journalism schools. 

Since 2005 Montgomery has taught thousands of journalists around the globe the latest techniques in video journalism, visual storytelling, editorial filmmaking, and smartphone multimedia.

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