Webinar '3 vital Ingredients for Online Publisher Success'
Date and Location
13 Sep 201315:45 – 16:45 (GMT+2)
Introduction to Event
WAN-IFRA webinars complement our world renown conferences, focus on targeted issues of wide interest to the publishing community, and are provided in a compact and easy to access format.
Webinar '3 vital Ingredients for Online Publisher Success'
'3 vital Ingredients for Online Publisher Success' will present two case studies of how audience insight can help build reader loyalty and increase advertising revenues, providing an increased ROI on your editorial content.
Register for free now in order not to miss this unique webinar.
Date: Friday, 13th September 2013
Time: 15:30 – 16:30 (Berlin Time)
The first case comes from Tamedia, a leading Swiss publisher, and will discuss how they set out to become a premier advertising platform for targeted, high quality- and high revenue ads, which in turn made it possible for them to keep external ad networks out of their sites thereby stopping data leakage to 3rd parties.
The second presentation, from the Vice President of Audience for Times-Union Media, a Morris Communications company, will showcase how an innovative US publisher is using its reader knowledge and extraordinary user insight to create a personalized portal experience for its online subscribers behind the paywall, based on individual reader behavior as well as trending news, leading to increased user loyalty, increased subscription revenues, and reduced churn.
Once you pre-register for our Webinar, we will keep you informed on programme updates as well as sending you regular reminders so you will not miss it. Big Data is no longer only something that affects business only but also each one of us, individually, have to deal with far more data on a daily basis, in business as well as in private, than we use to, just a few years ago. Therefore it is important that you do not miss the opportunity to save the date and join this unique webinar, a great way to hear about other publishing companies experiences.
Contact information
Sergio de Oliveira
Director of Exhibitions
| Frankfurt,
Phone: +49.69.240063-282
E-Mail: sergio.oliveira@wan-ifra.org
Marco Billeter
Kurt Caywood