According to information received by the Norwegian Press Association and the Association of Norwegian Editors, and shared with WAN-IFRA, Mr Zaman was covering a political demonstration when he was arrested. Reports say he has been accused of being part of the demonstration and, amongst other things, of trying to kill police officers.
Mr Zaman is a highly respected reporter at national public broadcasting company TV 2 in Norway.
In a statement issued by the Norwegian Press Association and the Association of Norwegian Editors, calling on the Ambassador of Pakistan to Norway to intervene in his case, Mr Zaman is described as an exemplary professional. “From our experience, [Mr Zaman] is very well aware of how he should execute his role as a professional journalist and the importance of not getting involved as a part in any conflict he would cover... Based on this knowledge, and statements from both Mr Ghazanfar Ali at the Kakrali Police Station and Mr Zaman himself, we find the accusations baseless and absurd.”
WAN-IFRA joins the call for the immediate release of Mr Zaman, and echoes the statement from the Norwegian Press Association and the Association of Norwegian Editors reminding the Pakistani authorities that they have ratified the International Bill of Rights, including articles protecting the right to free speech, which also include the freedom of the press and the right to free reporting.
Updates to follow.