World Association of News Publishers

Pricing Strategy for Digital News Publishers


Pricing Strategy for Digital News Publishers


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Introduction to Programme

February 9, 2015

10.00 am to 05.30 pm

  • Official welcome and introduction of the participants and the trainer.
  • Challenges facing Digital News Publishers. A discussion about the biggest hurdles facing publishers and how to properly frame them in order to find a solution.
  • Title: Strategic Planning Across the Organization. Lecture: Aligning vision and strategy across advertising, audience, marketing, content and most importantly pricing and revenue. Traditionally, newspapers have kept advertising, audience, editorial, marketing, pricing, print, and digital in separate silos. Changing your organization to function as a cohesive unit is difficult but necessary to maximize operating margins and long-term success. It is also important to think holistically and in the long-term to provide the best value to your customers, both audience and advertisers.

  • Tactical Steps to Achieving Success 1.Lecture: Becoming a Data-Driven Organisation. The foundation of any organization is its data. The most important first step is to create a universal “data truth” that is the central data source to measure performance and inform all decisions in the organization. This includes detailed web data (advertising and audience in the same place) along with customer-centric metrics, such as Customer Lifetime Value, retention, acquisition/conversion, customer touch points, and content consumption.
  • Tactical Steps to Achieving Success 2. Lecture: Real-World Application. Providing examples and case studies of successful strategies/tactics and how publishers are tackling the issues addressed earlier.
  • Tactical Steps to Achieving Success 3. Lecture: What every publisher should be doing?  Building the right products, publishing the right content, bundling and unbundling properly, setting the right price points, and understanding your customers are the primary levers that organizations can adjust to optimize their long-term vision. Mather Services…etc. and leveraging the latest techniques to your benefit (programmatic…etc.).

Final Questions and Wrap-up 

Date and Location

  • 09 Feb 2015
    New Delhi

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