World Association of News Publishers


داهمت السلطات السورية صباح اليوم مكتب المركز السوري للإعلام و حرية التعبير في دمشق و اعتقلت رئيس المركز مازن درويش إضافة الي عدد من النشطاء و الصحفيين المترددين على المركز.


Ritratto di Farah Wael

Farah Wael


2012-02-16 17:29

Offices of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression in Damascus were raided earlier today by the Syrian authorities, who arrested fourteen activists and journalists present at the center at the time.


Ritratto di Farah Wael

Farah Wael


2012-02-16 17:18

Since 1998, our organisation has actively monitored the cases of media employees who pay the ultimate price in their efforts to bring us the news. A way of honouring the courage and determination of men and women who lose their lives while reporting on conflicts, challenging governments or investigating corruption and crime.


Ritratto di Rodrigo Bonilla

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-01-12 12:05

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