Julie Posetti
Julie Posetti
Julie Posetti is an award-winning Australian journalist and academic. A former news editor, presenter and political reporter with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Posetti is currently based in Paris as a Research Fellow with the World Editors Forum and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.
Posetti is currently leading a UNESCO-commissioned global study on the state of journalistic source protection in the digital era.
She is also completing a PhD on "The Twitterisation of Journalism" at the University of Wollongong, Australia, where she teaches social journalism, radio, TV and multimedia storytelling. A PBS Mediashift correspondent, she has consulted widely to media organisations on the digital transformation of journalism and she is a sought-after social media trainer.
You can follow her on Twitter @julieposetti
Previous Events
28 Apr 2015 - 30 Apr 2015Bangkok - Thailand