World Association of News Publishers

safety of journalists

Young people were practically born with a cell phone in-hand. But being internet savvy doesn’t necessarily translate to knowing the risks online. For the new generation of journalists, having an internet presence can be crucial to getting more work, but journalism schools and newsrooms must do better to ensure that young journalists know about digital threats and online harassment.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2019-09-13 11:10

Many journalists see and even experience some kind of trauma, whether they're covering a conflict zone, protests or violent crime, and they can experience anxiety, depression or even PTSD. One of the best ways of coping is to talk about the experiences and the feelings they evoke, but few people do - journalists or their editors. Trauma is considered part of the job; but ignoring it only makes it worse. In this episode we look at moral injury, the kind of trauma journalists can experience, and the symptoms they might exhibit. And how to value their mental health as much their as physical safety.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2019-07-15 22:22

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