World Association of News Publishers


As newsrooms trim budgets and staff, La Nación in Argentina has poured resources into expanding its NACION Data team. Since its creation in 2011, LN Data has exposed corruption in Senate spending, unearthed hard-to-access census data and hosted the first DATAFEST in Argentina. NACION Data was nominated in two categories at this year’s Data Journalism Awards and took home a title for its Senate expenses research, which found officials were being reimbursed for trips they never took.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-07-31 19:04

El Grupo Clarín, el editor del diario más leído de Argentina y el mayor conglomerado de medios de comunicación en el país, ha gozado en el pasado de una relación favorable con el gobierno. Ahora, ambos están involucrados en una pelea pública en la que cada parte alega que la otra representa una amenaza a la libertad de expresión: la administración de la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner acusa a Clarín de tener un dominio monopólico sobre los medios de comunicación del país, y el conglomerado de noticias acusa al gobierno de reprimir las voces disidentes.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-11-25 19:32

Grupo Clarín, the publisher of Argentina’s most widely read daily newspaper and the largest media conglomerate in the country, once enjoyed a favourable relationship with the government. Now, the two are engaged in a public tussle in which each side claims that the other poses a threat to freedom of expression: the administration of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner accuses Clarín of having a monopolistic stranglehold over the country’s media, and the news conglomerate charges the government with striving to stifle dissenting voices.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2012-11-25 19:22
