World Association of News Publishers

press freedom


Jessica White's picture

Jessica White


2014-05-28 16:02

The military junta is tightening its grip on the nation’s press following last week’s military coup in Thailand. After martial law was declared and soldiers stormed several TV stations, orders effectively stifling any free expression have been followed by the arrest or summoning of hundreds of politicians, activists and journalists.


WAN-IFRA's picture



2014-05-26 16:13

The killing of a radio broadcaster in the Philippines has dealt another blow to wavering press freedom in the country. Samuel Oliverio was attacked on 23 May while driving his motorcycle with his wife in Digos city in the south of the country.


WAN-IFRA's picture



2014-05-23 16:01

The Board of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), meeting on 8th June 2014 in Turin, Italy, during the 66th World Newspaper Congress, 21st World Editors Forum and 24th World Advertising Forum, calls on the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to put an end to censorship and halt the violence against the press in his country.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-05-20 14:49

The Board of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), meeting in Torino, Italy, on the 8th June 2014 during the 66th World Newspaper Congress, 21st World Editors Forum and 24th World Advertising Forum, calls on African heads of state and US President Barak Obama, to put freedom of expression on the agenda at the inaugural U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit due to be held in Washington, D.C. on August 5th and 6th, 2014.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-05-20 14:48

The Board of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), meeting on 8 June in Torino, Italy during the 66th World Newspaper Congress, 21st World Editors Forum and 24th World Advertising Forum, recognises the courageous work of Ukrainian journalists who have faced daily attacks in their coverage of the county’s on-going political crisis.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-05-20 14:46

The Board of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), meeting on 8 June in Torino, Italy during the 66th World Newspaper Congress, 21st World Editors Forum and 24th World Advertising Forum, calls for the immediate release of 2014 Golden Pen of Freedom laureate Eskinder Nega and all other journalists currently detained and imprisoned because of their work.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-05-20 14:43

In the wake of intense global pressure, the Turkish government has released several of its imprisoned journalists in recent weeks. Among those freed is Füsun Erdoğan, arrested in 2006 and condemned to a life sentence + 300 years. Erdoğan was featured in WAN-IFRA’s “30 Days for Freedom” campaign, and her son spoke to WAN-IFRA’s Alexandra Waldhorn after his mother’s release.


WAN-IFRA's picture



2014-05-20 12:04

As Azerbaijan took up its chairmanship of the Council on Europe on Wednesday, WAN-IFRA raised concerns that this prominent position would be seen as tacit approval of the country’s appalling human rights and press freedom record. Following publication, Council of Europe spokesman Daniel Höltgen spoke to Douglas Grant to explain the organisation’s position.


WAN-IFRA's picture



2014-05-19 10:51


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-05-16 17:20
