World Association of News Publishers


An international media freedom symposium held in London this week formally called on governments to bear the primary responsibility to ensure effective protections for free speech and the safety of journalists. But the inaction of the Canadian and Australian leaders in the case of the ‘Al Jazeera Three’ points to the reluctance of politicians to advocate for journalists. WAN-IFRA's Research Fellow, Australian journalist-academic Julie Posetti, reports.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-04-08 23:35


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-03-05 15:30

The elegant Greek Club in the heart of downtown Cairo has hosted many joyful society events over the years, but the 30 or so editors and leading journalists who gathered there on Monday for the inaugural meeting of the Egyptian Editors Association were not in a cheerful mood.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-02-14 17:17


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2014-02-10 17:38

Although 'local journalists' in Egypt often risk life and limb to cover events, they seldom enjoy the institutional protections afforded their mainstream counterparts


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-03-14 17:17

When Fatemah Farag launched her hyperlocal news company Welad Elbalad Media Services in April 2012, she approached the project foremost as a journalist. With a twenty-year career writing for a host of international and local publications behind her, Farag wanted to give voice to people and regions often overlooked in the traditional media.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2013-01-16 14:12

In a bold move, a number of Egypt's most prominent independent newspapers are staging a one day media blackout in protest against President Mohamed Morsi’s latest constitutional decree that hands him nearly unrestricted powers, as well as the final draft of the constitution that was adopted last week by an Islamic-led panel.


Farah Wael's picture

Farah Wael


2012-12-04 19:15

Ibrahim Essa, the editor-in-chief of the Egyptian daily newspaper Al Dustour, has been awarded the 2008 Gebran Tueni Award, the annual prize from the World Association of Newspapers that honours an editor or publisher in the Arab region.


Andrew Heslop's picture

Andrew Heslop


2012-12-04 18:20

Egyptian journalist Salma El-Wardany and Sudanese blogger Maha El-Senoussy were reportedly arrested by The National Sudanese State Security Service (NISS) while covering events in Khartoum.


Farah Wael's picture

Farah Wael


2012-06-21 16:13

The Arab World "celebrated" World Press Freedom Day by cracking down on journalists in Egypt, killing a citizen journalist in Syria, passing a repressive law in Libya, fining a TV station owner in Tunisia and detaining a Human Rights activist in Bahrain.


Farah Wael's picture

Farah Wael


2012-05-23 18:05

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