World Association of News Publishers


Press freedom in Mexico faces widespread and growing threats from “soft censorship” that includes government use of financial incentives and penalties to pressure news media, punish critical reporting, and reward favourable coverage, according to a new report released today by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-03-25 16:00

La Asociación Mundial de Periódicos y Editores de Noticias, WAN-IFRA, condenó las amenazas en contra de la defensora de la libertad de expresión en México, Balbina Flores Martínez, representante de la organización Reporteros Sin Fronteras en este país.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-03-19 19:28

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has condemned threats made against Mexican journalist and local representative of media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders, Balbina Flores Martinez.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-03-19 19:17


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-02-20 15:46

La Asociación Mundial de Periódicos y Editores de Noticias (WAN-IFRA) y el Foro Mundial de Editores (WEF) exigieron una investigación inmediata y exhaustiva sobre el ataque al domicilio de la periodista mexicana Anabel Hernández.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-01-22 12:45

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the World Editors Forum (WEF) have called for an immediate and thorough investigation into an armed attack on the home of Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2014-01-22 12:29

París, Francia, Darmstadt, Alemania y Viena, Austria, 6 de mayo de 2013 –La Asociación Mundial de Periódicos y Editores de Noticias (WAN-IFRA) y el Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI) celebraron hoy la aprobación en México de una importante legislación diseñada para combatir la impunidad que es prácticamente sistémica en los casos de delitos cometidos contra periodistas en el país.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-05-07 15:14

Paris, France, Darmstadt, Germany and Vienna, Austria, May 7, 2013 – The International Press Institute and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) today welcomed the passage of seminal legislation in Mexico designed to combat the almost complete impunity in cases of crimes committed against the country’s journalists.


Rodrigo Bonilla's picture

Rodrigo Bonilla


2013-05-07 15:04

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