World Association of News Publishers



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World Press Freedom Day Photos supplied by AFP

In this section you will find a selection of photographs relevant to this year's campaign. Photos are courtesy of Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Newspapers can freely publish the photos, with credit to AFP.





SRI LANKA, Colombo : Media rights activists hold up posters bearing the image of missing Sri Lankan cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda during a protest rally in Colombo on August 10, 2010. Eknaligoda, who also wrote for the website, disappeared two days before the January 26th presidential poll. His whereabouts are not known and family and friends have blamed the government for his disappearance. AFP PHOTO/Ishara S.KODIKARA


PHILIPPINES, Ampatuan : A relative of one of the 57 victims of the November 23, 2009 massacre cries as she touches a collage of photos of the victims during a memorial service at the massacre site in Ampatuan, Maguindanao province on the southern island of Mindanao on November 23, 2010. The Philippines on November 23 mourned the one-year anniversary of the country's worst political massacre amid pleas for justice and fears of attacks by the clan blamed for the murders. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE



VENEZUELA, Caracas : A woman wears a gag as journalists and workers of Venezuelan media, demonstrate in support of 32 radios and two TV channels closed by the Government a year ago, in front of the private radio network Belfort National Circuit (CNB) in Caracas on August 1, 2010. At the time, President Hugo Chavez said the broadcasters were taken off the air due to the stations' failures to meet legal operating requirements, but communication workers insist it was another move to control the country's media. AFP PHOTO/Miguel GUTIERREZ


EGYPT, Cairo: Foreign journalists and Egyptian anti-government demonstrators take cover behind makeshift shields during clashes with pro-regime opponents (not seen) at Cairo's Tahrir Square on February 3, 2011 on the 10th day of protests calling for the ouster of embattled President Hosni Mubarak. AFP PHOTO/MIGUEL MEDINA




SWEDEN, Stockholm : A man holds a banner with Swedish-Eritrean journalist Dawitt Isaac portrait, on May 3, 2010, in Stockholm. An Eritrean with Swedish citizenship, Isaak was arrested in September 2001 along with a dozen newspaper owners, editors and journalists accused of being Ethiopian spies. This year's World Press Freedom Day marks another year in prison, without trial. AFP PHOTO/OLIVIER MORIN



IVORY COAST, Abidjan : Damana Adia Pickass (R), a supporter of Gbagbo and a member of the electoral commission (CEI), seizes papers with the election results from the hands of CEI spokesman Bamba Yacouba (L-sit) as he was about to read them out at the CEI head office in Abidjan on November 30, 2010. Supporters of Ivory Coast's President Laurent Gbagbo physically prevented electoral officials from announcing the results of the tense presidential vote, an AFP reporter said.

                                                                              AFP PHOTO / ISSOUF SANOGO


Tunis : Press photographers walk through clouds of tear gas during demonstrations in Tunis on January 18, 2011. Tunisia's banned Islamist Ennahdha movement will request official status as a political party, one of its leaders said Tuesday, after a spokesman said Ennahdha would take part in parliamentary elections.




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Andrew Heslop


2011-02-10 16:53

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Journalists continue to find themselves in frequent peril for simply doing their jobs as they strive to report the truth in the passionate belief that reporting what they see is the foundation of a healthy democracy. 3 May is World Press Freedom Day. Read more ...