World Association of News Publishers

WAN-IFRA Magazine 05/06.2011

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WAN-IFRA Magazine 05/06.2011

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Summaries of articles published in WAN-IFRA Magazine 05/06.2011. Click headlines to read full articles in the ePaper edition.

Ongoing innovation: the evolving newsroom

As more newsrooms have embraced digital technologies and begun integrating their print and digital workflows, they also have come to realise that the change process needs to be ongoing to meet the sure-to-come challenges ahead – whether it be the arrival of the next iPad or a new wave of smartphones or whatever the next development may be.

‘We must develop with readers and users’

In February, Erik Bjerager was elected President of the World Editors Forum (WEF), the global association for senior newsroom executives within WAN-IFRA. Here, he talks with us about the challenges facing newsrooms and how editors can meet them, as well as his objectives for WEF.

Indian publisher named new WAN-IFRA President

Jacob Mathew, Executive Editor and Publisher of the Malayala Manorama Group of Publications in Kerala, India, has been elected President of WAN-IFRA.


Clawing back classifieds

When Craigslist, Monster and the like hit the scene, newspaper publishers were blindsided and quickly lost grasp of their historical treasure: classified advertising. Many companies are now trying to claw their way back into this business, whether it be through acquisitions, partnerships or more.

Big money still in print

One of the key themes for newspaper publishers at the 21st World Newspaper Advertising Conference in Malta in late February was that while digital revenues are making gains, the print newspaper is not only still relevant but also remains the major source of revenue for now as well as the foreseeable future.

Making the most of the mailroom

Printing plants around the world are trying to maximise the utilisation and flexibility of their equipment, whether it be taking on more newspaper products or semi-commercial work, for example. Here we feature two companies that are investing in cutting-edge postpress equipment while adapting their workflows and, in some cases, technology to satisfy their customers.

Piecing together good quality colour

Despite sophisticated technology, standards and automation, the standard of newspaper quality readers and advertisers can expect is still very diverse. Everything stands or falls with the knowledge and skilful management of the processes by personnel, and their motivation.

INCQC 2012-2014; Certificate for Standardised Printing

Automatic image processing – fast-forward with GPUs

News photos are benefiting directly from the huge advances that are being made in digital image processing technology. Digital cameras and automatic image processing (AIP) programs are improving their remarkable speed, quality and consistency because
of the widespread investment in industrial research in imaging and computer science, fuelled by a vibrant cross-exchange of information and technology.

Industry updates

Latin American publishers grab challenges, opportunities

Newspapers in much of the world are facing dual challenges from digital development and from pressures on freedom of the press. In many places, the issues are intertwined. This is indeed the case in Latin American countries.

Latin America faces numerous challenges with press freedom

WAN-IFRA’s América Latina conference provided an ideal opportunity for delegates to address press freedom issues that resonate throughout the region. In a panel event titled “Press Freedom in Latin America – One Continent, Multiple Challenges,” the discussions were frank and revealing, and provided insight into the many problems facing journalists, editors and newspaper publishers in the region.

Women in News – Empowering media professionals

“There are 153 years of experience in this room. We all know what we have to do to excel, and we are going to help each other do it,” media trainer Paula Fray told a group of 16 women media managers from Botswana, Namibia and Zambia, when opening a leadership workshop within Women in News (WIN), a WAN-IFRA initiative that launched its second year in early April in Johannesburg, South Africa.

WAN-IFRA Bulletin: New members, Ambassadors for print, Young Reader Summit

WAN-IFRA Services: Calendar of Events, Subscriptions, Imprint


Gordon Steiger's picture

Gordon Steiger


2011-04-27 14:34

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Dean Roper's picture

Dean Roper


2011-04-26 11:20