As a close link to the industry, and as the link between WAN-IFRA's current work and the Board, the WAN-IFRA committees of members participate in the continuous development of the association. The committees are dedicated to supporting and advising WAN-IFRA in its activities in areas such as research, events, trainings and standardisation and thus participating in shaping the future of our industry.
Some of the committees are open for applications from member companies that want to assume a more active role within its membership. Other committee seats are assigned by the WAN-IFRA Board.
WAN-IFRA currently maintains the following committees of members to support the work of the Association:
Advisory Council (AC)
Vice Chairmen: Rick Stunt and Dipankar Das Purkayastha
Technical Committees (TC)
TC Production, Chairman: Manfred Werfel
TC Materials and Environment, Chairman: Rick Stunt
TC Publishing, Chairman: Peter Resele
Regional Committees
Asian Pacific Committee (APC), Chairman: Pichai Chuensuksawadi
European Committee (EUC), Vice Chairman: Manfred Werfel
Middle East Committee (MEC), Chairman: Saleh Alhumaidan
South Asian Committee (SAC), Chairman: K Balaji
Global Affairs Committees
Committee of Directors of WAN-IFRA Member Associations, Chairwoman: Margaret Boribon
Press Freedom and Media Development Board, Chairman: Tomas Brunegård
World Editors Forum Board, President: Erik Bjerager
World Young Reader Committee, Chairman: Scott C. Schurz