World Association of News Publishers

Protest Campaign - Belarus, 29 January 2014

Protest Campaign - Belarus, 29 January 2014

Article ID:


Mr René Fasel, President
Mr Horst Lichtner, General Secretary
International Ice Hockey Federation

29 January 2014


Dear Sirs,

We are writing on behalf of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), and the World Editors Forum , which represent 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries; the European Newspaper Publishers Association (ENPA), which represents 5000 titles in Europe and the News Media Coalition, an international organisation focused on eliminating the threat to legitimate news-gathering practices at major events, to express our serious concern at the visa restrictions being imposed on journalists wanting to travel to Belarus to cover the International Ice Hockey World Championships in May 2014.

According to reports, journalists must apply for a visa if they plan to cover any other story while in the country. This is despite an understanding that journalists would not need visas to enter the country if registered into the International Ice Hockey Federation system.

We respectfully remind you that it is the duty of international sports organisations to ensure that journalists are free to carry out their legitimate news gathering duties in all venues, and to ensure their partnership with host countries does not encourage or promote repression. Sport does not occur in a vacuum and by holding the event in Belarus, journalists will have a natural and legitimate interest and curiosity about the host nation, its society and practices.

We respectfully urge you to do all you can to ensure journalists accredited to your events are able to perform their role of informing the public while in Belarus, without fear or hindrance.

We also respectfully ask that, having chosen one of the most repressive regimes in Europe to host your event, that you take all possible steps to ensure that Belarus fully respects its international obligations to freedom of expression. We request that in future you think carefully before awarding the tournament to a country that does not support press freedom.

We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Tomas Brunegård
World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers


Erik Bjerager
World Editors Forum


Ivar Rusdal,
European Newspaper Publishers' Association – ENPA


Andrew Moger,
Executive Director,
News Media Coalition


WAN-IFRA is the global organization for the world’s newspapers and news publishers, with formal representative status at the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe. The organization groups 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries. The World Editors Forum is the network for newspaper editors within WAN-IFRA.


ENPA is an international non-profit organisation representing publishers of newspapers and news media on all platforms. ENPA represents over 5,200 national, regional and local newspaper titles, published in many EU Member States, plus Norway, Switzerland and Serbia.


News Media Coalition is an international organisation and worldwide network focusing on the specific threat to legitimate editorial, press and publishing freedoms from the controls placed on news-gathering and news-distribution practices by the organisers of major events of public interest.


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Andrew Heslop


2014-01-30 17:11

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In countless countries, journalists, editors and publishers are physically attacked, imprisoned, censored, suspended or harassed for their work. WAN-IFRA is committed to defending freedom of expression by promoting a free and independent press around the world. Read more ...