World Association of News Publishers

Digital Media Asia 2014


Digital Media Asia 2014



Friday, 14. November 2014 - Sunday, 16. November 2014

  • 9:00

    WAN-IFRA has recently launched a new initiative gathering media, researchers, innovation centers, start-ups and emerging technology providers around the world: the Media Innovation Hub, a platform to ensure that a wide variety of stakeholders work together for the future of evolving news media. 

    As part of this initiative, WAN-IFRA will organise a 2-days hackathon in the run up to DMA 2014. Digital Media Asia's DMA Hack is held in partnership with SPH Digital and the WAN-IFRA / Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Newsplex Asia. The hackathon will challenge teams from across Asia to come up with innovative solutions on Content Discovery and how to package and distribute news content in attractive forms for the digital native generations. The winners of the DMA Hack 2014 will present their solutions at DMA 2014.

    More information at:

    Registration is open now on Evenbrite here

    Follow us as well on Facebook

Tuesday, 18. November 2014

  • 8:15
    Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore

    DMA registration/badge collection will start from 8:00am at Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore.

    Delegates are to be seated by 9:00am at the Ballroom 2 & 3 for the conference opening.

    Note: Badges are to be worn throughout the entire conference/masterclasses. Delegates without badges will not be allowed into the premises.

  • 9:00

    Live rap news by Vietnam News Agency

  • 9:30
    Ballroom 2 & 3, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore

    Digital managers share their top 5 priorities for 2014 and beyond, and tell you about the number one issue that keeps them awake at night. 

    World Digital Trends & What they mean to you
    An exploration of Digital Trends in Asia and around the globe along with an analysis of the challenges and opportunities they present.
    Ben Shaw, Director of Research and Advisory, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Connecting with the young generation via mobile & online platforms during HK's umbrella revolution.
    The presentation will cover how Apple Daily, being the No.1 online news media in HK, won full support of the young generation with drastic increase in users & engagement over time. Apple Daily’s coverage of HK Umbrella Movement is a case in point to demonstrate the top 5 digital priorities for news media, which are the essence of the newspaper’s online platform success: Mobile first, Fast Responsiveness, Boost Interaction via UGC & Social Media, Use of Animation and Right Tone & Manner.
    Cassian Cheung, CEO, Next Media, Hong Kong

    Business strategy ad vision from a leading Asian news publisher 
    SPH is a media powerhouse in SG and the region, with a long and successful history in print and digital bolstered by more recent forays into out-of-home media and radio. 2014 is a watershed year for us where the print and digital operations of the company is concerned.  We underwent a big organizational restructuring exercise, changed the way we work and even the way we think about our digital play.  The focus for SPH Digital for the new year will be to deliver better experiences for our readers and tailoring more effective solutions for our advertisers.  Julian Tan will share our journey and learnings thus far on mobile, social, content recommendation, audience selling and programmatic as another channel to link up with advertisers. 
    Julian Tan, Head of SPH Digital, Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore

    Principal Consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany

    CEO, Next Media Group, HK

  • 10:30
    Foyer area, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore
  • 11:00

    Hosted by Brightcove

    From The New York Times, to Gannett and the Huffington Post, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities for publishers who have made a successful transition for reaching new subscribers and create new revenue streams..
    Ben Morrell, Senior Technical Consultant - Media Brightcove, Inc.

    Roy Simangunsong, CEO, PT Linktone Indonesia (MNC Group)

  • 11:00
    Ballroom 2 & 3, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore

    Newsrooms must evolve from mere multimedia convergence to organisations that are able to answer the growing demand for digital-first journalism. This session will explore new workflows, tools and formats to produce relevant content for today's users.

    Harnessing a mobile-first newsroom organisation
    Robb Montgomery, CEO, Montgomery Multimedia, USA

    The Homepage is not dead! Every page is a Homepage
    Is the homepage dying? In the social media age, should publishers only concentrate on "buzzfeeding the beast" with viral content? Social is an indispensable source of traffic, but nurturing the community of loyal readers that access the website "on purpose" is crucial. To do that two aspects have to be addressed: how to create a captivating homepage experience, and how torecreate it on all web pages that meet the users’ eyeballs.
    Grig Davidovitz, CEO, RGB Media, Israel

    Working in a cross-platform newsroom - the Dagbladet way
    In Norway, 87% of the population go online every day, and 81% of them have a smart phone. With such a demanding, digitally savvy audience, the 145-year-old newspaper Dagbladet has transformed into a modern media organisation; delivering on breaking news, live coverage, longreads and award-winning investigative journalism on all screens and platforms.
    Hildegunn Soldal, Digital Editor, Dagbladet, Norway

    Reaching a younger audience and monetising content via chat apps
    Although SMS remains ubiquitous and in heavy use, chat apps such as WhatsApp, Kakao and Line are quickly gaining ground among younger readeras--exactly the readers publishers need to reach. This presentation shows how a Philippine news organization in the "SMS capital of the world" is pivoting its SMS services towards chat apps to engage new, mobile audiences and find new revenue streams for platform content.
    JV Rufino, Director Mobile & Books, Philippine Daily Inquirer

    Senior Digital Consultant, WAN-IFRA

    CEO, Montgomery Multimedia, USA

    CEO, RGB Media Inc, Israel

    Digital Editor, Dagbladet, Norway

  • 12:00

    Hosted by MPP Global Solutions

    Looking at content and audiences in a new way can open big opportunities to develop multiple revenue streams and local brand extensions from eCommerce capabilities. Some of MPP Global’s client base, including the Daily Mail Group, Telegraph Media Group and The Times capture more value from the same customers and advertisers.

    Simon Vella, VP Asia Pacific, MPP Global Solutions

  • 13:00
    Foyer area, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore
  • 14:00
    Ballroom 2 & 3, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore

    Publishers tends to adopt difference subscription and bundling models across their media portfolio. Making an increasingly sphisticated use of customer data and marketing, they are also packaging their content into a variety of attractive paid-for products.

    Pay-walls, subscription plans and bundling options for pricing optimisation
    Gregor Waller, Principal Consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany

    Taking a digital news start-up international in an Asian context 
    Using The News Lens, the fastest growing New Digital Media Site in Taiwan as an example, the CEO and Co-founder will describe the details and thinking behind creating a new digital start-up in today’s media context. Having achieved over 4 M Monthly Unique Visitors within a year since its inception, we will go through all stage of an early startups life from finding the idea, team, resources, investors to strategic alignment and rapid international expansion. The final summary will focus on the future of digital news and journalism and how it can be balanced with monetization and balanced reporting in Asia and later, the global context.
    Joey Chung, Co-Founder/CEO, The New Lens, Taiwan

    Where consumers go, marketers go... Going mobile, going social
    Amit Garg, Business Head-Digital (Internet & Mobile), HT Media Group, India

    Panel session: Speakers and Matt Lindsay, President, Mather Economics

    International journalist

    Principal Consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany

    Co-Founder and CEO, The News Lens, HK

    Business Head - Digital (Internet & Mobile), HT Media Group, India

  • 16:00
    Foyer area, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore
  • 16:30

    Leading media companies from Asia Pacific and the Middle East compete every year in the Asian Digital Media Awards to grab the region's highest professional recognition for their achievements in digital. This session will showcase inspiring short presentations and videos from the top winning projects.

    Best in Online Video, Reader Engagement and Mobile Services

    Best in News Website, Multimedia Campaign and Mobile Services

    Best in Tablet Publishing, Data Visualisation and Outstanding New Product

    6 short case studies by the winners of the ADMA 2014.

  • 17:30
    Hardrock Cafe Singapore

    Digital Media Asia will be the host of the 5th Asian Digital Media Awards Cocktail Reception. 

    The reception will take place at an internationally renowned Hard Rock Cafe, located in the retail and entertainment hub of the city-state in the heart of Singapore. 

    It will give a good opportunity for delegates to relax and network with peers and learn from the best in the industry in an informal atmosphere.

Wednesday, 19. November 2014

  • 8:00
    Lavender room, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore

    Learn how data collection, econometric analysis, and pricing strategy can maximize subscriber and advertiser revenue and how analysis of online customer behavior can support the evolving digital business model.

    Note: Please RSVP at

    President, Mather Economics, USA

  • 9:30
    Ballroom 2 & 3, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore

    If data is media’s new oil in terms of revenue potential, how can news organisations tap into it to make decisions that lead to more engaged audiences and renewed revenue streams? How can you build up an advanced data analytics supply chain to support advertising sales, product development and marketing?

    The data driven media business
    Fai-Keung Ng, Group Country Manager South-East Asia, AT Internet

    Focussing on Big Data to become no.1 on target markets
    Pierre Flitsch, Head of Digital Performance Unit, Styria, Austria

    Generating new revenues via digital brand extension products and services
    Alice Ting, VP Licensing & Syndication, The New York Times, USA

    Senior Advisor at Schibsted

    Group Country Manager, Southeast Asia at AT Internet

    Head of Digital Performance Unit, Styria Media Group, Austria

    VP, Licensing & Syndication, The New York Times

  • 10:30
    Foyer area, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore
  • 11:00

    Digital ad revenue depends on deep insights into customer data and tracking users across multiple devices. New digital ad formats are offering real opportunities to content producers. But the competition is fierce and users are increasingly protecting themselves against commercial use of their digital identity and mobile is driving a decline in cookies. 

    Unlocking brand connections in the connected world
    Deepika Nikhilender, CEO - GEMS, Mindshare Asia Pacific, Singapore
    David Jeffs, Insights Head APAC, Yahoo! (tbc)

    Using social media engagement, crowdsourcing and big data to help clients with their digital campaigns
    Russ Shepherd, Chief Data Scientist, Rappler, Philippines

    Using scientific pricing engine to maximise challenged advertising margins
    Arunabh Das Sharma, President, Times Group, Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd.

    Building a loyal digital audience 
    In a mobile-first world, Parin will share how news publishers can build a loyal audience and ensure readers can follow across all devices and platforms. He will be speaking about how user behaviour is changing fast, how news publishers can keep up with the users of tomorrow and will share some actionable steps for success.
    Parin Mehta, Head of Strategic Partnerships SEA, Google.

    Senior Advisor at Schibsted

    CEO - Growth & Emerging Markets Solutions (GEMS), Mindshare Asia Pacific, Singapore

    Insights Head APAC, Yahoo!

    Chief Data Scientist, Rappler, Philippines

    President, Times Group, Bennett, Coleman and Co. Ltd, India

    Head of Strategic Partnerships SEA, Google

  • 12:30
    Foyer area, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore
  • 14:00

    Media houses must lead change and foment decisive innovations within their organisations. Distilling start-up and entrepreneurial spirits implies challenging traditional decision-making processes and embracing a more agile and responsive work culture.

    The Media Innovation Hub: a new initiative by WAN-IFRA
    The Media Innovation Hub is an international alliance of innovation practitioners, research and innovation centres, and emerging technology providers powered by WAN-IFRA. Our main objective is to foster long-term growth in the news media business by unlocking the potential of innovation provided by the growing ecosystem of emerging technology providers and innovation centres worldwide.
    Stephen Fozard, Project Director, Media Innovation Hub, WAN-IFRA, France

    Partnerships with start-ups and research centres for placing innovation at the heart of media 
    The Stibo Accelerator is an initiative launched to bring innovative students and early startups closer to the news industry. Three teams who have been partnered with major European publishers as part of the Stibo Accelerator program are almost ready to “graduate” and the Director of the program, Kim Svendsen, will share experiences and advice for how in-house incubators can help transforming organizational cultures and bring new ideas and energy to the organisation. 
    Kim Svendsen, Director, Stibo Accelerator, Denmark

    Solutions and ideas from the DMA Hack 2014
    Winners of DMA Hack 2014

    Product Innovation: Rap news 
    It is no easy to make young people interested in hard news these days. However the bi-weekly RapNewsPlus – an innovative media product by VietnamPlus using rap music to present serious topics – has been receiving hundred thousands of views, even more than one million views per clip since it was born one year ago, proving that there exists different ways to win young people’s hearts. More importantly, it brings the youth back to the websites and turns them into faithful audience.
    Le Quoc Minh, Editor in Chief, Vietnam News Agency

    Senior Advisor at Schibsted

    Project Director, Global Alliance for Media Innovation, WAN-IFRA

    Marketing Manager, CCI Europe A/S, Denmark

  • 16:00
    Foyer area, Level 3, Orchard Hotel Singapore
  • 16:30

    Mobile is arguably the fastest growing channel for targeting consumers in nearly every product category. Tech giants, mobile operators and mobile-first companies are all trying to take a share of the news business. How to capture, engage, retain and monetise users in your own ecosystem? 

    Embracing Mobile News: Usage and Advertising trends, focus on APAC
    News Apps are developing their users base at a higher pace and influencing their habits. Focus on Advertisers investments in APAC on mobile.
    Fabrizio Lo Cicero, VP Asia Pacific, News Republic, USA

    Lessons from mobile-only news ventures: a peep into Yahoo News Digest
    The session will look at the philosophy that went into the creation of the Yahoo News Digest; how the app is structured and the concept of using ‘atoms’ in building its news summaries. During the session, we will also look at the advantages and challenges of globally dispersed team of editors handling a news app for an international audience. For the final part of the presentation, we will look at  the performance of the Digest so far – what the users have said, how has it done traffic-wise, etc, before getting a sneak peek into its future.
    Marc Lourdes, Managing Editor (SEA) Yahoo! News Digest

    Make money on mobile and TV. Can we match the top players?
    Kalle Jungkvist, Senior Advisor, Schibsted, Sweden

    Panel session moderated by Jeremy Wagstaff, Chief Technology Correspondent, Asia, Thomson Reuters

    VP Asia Pacific, News Republic, China

    Managing Editor (SEA), Yahoo News Digest

    Senior Advisor, Schibsted, Sweden

Thursday, 20. November 2014

  • 9:00
    Orchard Hotel Singapore

    During this executive masterclass, participants will go through an in-depth look of content strategies and discuss the business models that allow successful charging for the content online and on mobile. The workshop will discuss real experiences of what content a media house can charge for, pitfalls to avoid, and strategies for making the reader happy consuming paid content. 

    This masterclass is especially recommended for CEOs, Managing Directors, Chief Strategy Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Editors in Chiefs and other digital news media Senior Executives.

    Principal Associate Consultant, WAN-IFRA, Germany

  • 9:00
    Orchard Hotel Singapore

    At this masterclass, we’ll discuss article and tag pages, leveraging “social” and “search” traffic. Main aspects covered: Using content as a marketing agent; Turning landing pages into homepages; Journalistic Search Engine and Social Media Optimisation.

  • 9:00
    Newsplex Asia, Nanyang Technological University

    Master the techniques for creating compelling visual stories with mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad. Learn how to plan and film photo stories and file high-quality multimedia reportage from smartphones.


    This masterclass will be held at:
    Newsplex Asia
    Nanyang Technological University
    Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information (WKWSCI)
    Level 1, 31 Nanyang Link
    Singapore 637718

    *Transportation will be provided from Orchard Hotel to Newsplex Asia, NTU.

    International journalist

Friday, 21. November 2014

Date and Location

  • 18 Nov 2014 - 21 Nov 2014

Contact information
