World Association of News Publishers

Partners / Exhibitors

Partners / Exhibitors

Meet, on 3 and 4 February next, the decision-makers in international sport news...


Become a partner of this event and present your solutions for managing sport news!
Download below the detailed proposal and the registration form.


What we offer you...

➯ A 10 minutes slot on stage:
Following the planning made by the WAN-IFRA, you’ll have a ten minutes slot at the plenary session to explain the participants your vision of sport news.

➯An area on-site at the event:
You’ll get an area of communication and exchange (9m²) where you can hold discussions with participants and share with them your expertise.

➯ 1 free delegate ticket to invite a potential customer

➯ 2 free exhibitor tickets:
The partner will have free entry to all of the conference for two persons (additional tickets with 50% discount).

➯ Your company and logo included in all of the means used to promote the conference:
To optimise your presence, WAN-IFRA will include your logo on all promotional material, such as mailings, the event programme, the website, advertising in the WANIFRA Magazine, the banner of the partners installed on-site on the day of the conference.
This ensures visibility among some 4 000 French and international professional contacts.

➯ Your company brochure in every WAN-IFRA briefcase:
We will insert a document presenting your company and your solutions into the briefcase given to every participant on the day of the event.

- WAN-IFRA member: € 2 200 + VAT
- Non member: € 2 600 + VAT
VAT is charged at French rate 19,6 %


➯ The badge holder:
Upon arrival, every participant receives a badge with a
holder featuring your logo.
Price: € 600 + VAT

➯ Get Together:
Become the focus of attention by hosting the Get Together at the end of the first conference day!
The partnership will be highlighted on the poster advertising the event with the mention “Get Together sponsored by …”.
A banner bearing your logo will also be installed in the room.
Price: € 2 000 + VAT

➯ Website banner:
Your banner ad is inserted on the WAN-IFRA conference website during event month (234*270 pixel on right side).
Price: € 900 + VAT


24 Media (Greece), AEPHR - Association pour l’Etude et la Promotion des Hebdomadaires Régionaux (France), Aftonbladet (Sweden), Archant (United Kingdom), Belga News Agency (Belgium), Boom regionale uitgevers (Netherlands), Caribbean Sport Magazine (France), Caxton Ltd (South Africa), Cocopelli (Italy),
Convergent Media (Romania), Edipresse Publications (Switzerland), Editorial Primera Hora (Puerto Rico), Ekstra Bladet (Denmark), El Día (Puerto Rico), European Journalism Centre (Netherlands), Groupe Sud Ouest Interactive (France), Ilta-Sanomat (Finland), Jyllands-Posten (Denmark), Expressen (Sweden), La Voix
du Nord (France), Le Dauphiné Libéré (France), Le Télégramme (France), L’Equipe (France), Les Editions de l’Avenir (Belgium), New York Daily News (USA), Norra Västerbotten (Sweden), Okaz Organization (France), Publikompass (Italy), Publishing House Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russia), RIA Novosti - Russian News & Information Agency (Russia), Ringier Kiadó (Hungary), SA de presse et d’édition du Sud-Ouest (France), SA d’Informations et de Productions Multimedia (Belgium), SARL Both Sides (France), Singapore Press Holdings (Singapore), Sport Stratégies (France), Telegraaf Media Groep (Netherlands), Telegraph Media Group Limited (United Kingdom), The Daily Ajker Khabar (Bangladesh), The Daily Sports (Republic Korea), The New Vision Printing and Publishing (Uganda), The Press Association (United Kingdom), Thema TV (Romania).


CEO’s, managing editors, sport chief editors, marketing managers, business development managers, online managers, desk heads, project leaders...

This event welcomes high level management participants from national daily newspapers, sports daily newspapers, regional daily newspapers, pureplayers, magazines, etc.

Objective: 70 participants

✔ Meet the decision-makers in the French and international newspaper industries,
✔ Extend your professional network,
✔ Share your know-how and expertise in the area of the newspaper industry,
✔ Enjoy speakers presentations,
✔ Establish close relations with newspapers and magazines,
✔ Benefit new business opportunities,
✔ Associate your company and its image with an organisation of international reference, WAN-IFRA.