World Association of News Publishers

Paul Egglestone

Paul Egglestone

Digital coordinator, Media Innovation Studio, School of Journalism and Media, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Paul Egglestone runs the Media Innovation Studio, based in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Central Lancashire. The Media Innovation Studio is an international research studio for media innovation bringing people together to rethink how information can enrich lives. A former independent TV producer working for BBC, ITV and Sky on regional and network programming, he now focuses on digital storytelling.  He established ‘Meld’ ( as a space for creative interdisciplinary thought leadership in journalism and media in 2007. Since its inception Meld has worked with journalists, filmmakers, producers, photographers games designers and artists from the BBC, Sky TV, The Independent, The Times, the Guardian, Haymarket Media, Johnston press and Trinity Mirror bringing together the freelances and the sector skills councils and development agencies to collaborate on a series of projects addressing the challenges posed by convergence. As part of this work he developed a major cross platform narrative training programme with the BBC called inFUZE.

His current research projects include the Digital Economy funded ‘InteractiveNewsprint’ (

NESTA funded ‘Speak-Up-Preston’ (
a participatory journalism project in partnership with local community and voluntary organisations.

His recent work includes ‘Bespoke’ ( - EPSRC Digital Economy), a community engagement project

‘Participants United’ (AHRC), an exploration of ‘Big Society’ (AHRC) and A community-based initiative using digital stories with home-based workers in social housing (AHRC).


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