From 2013 onwards, we started the series of Digital Media Awards with contest in different regions, please find past winners and projects in the corresponding website.
This year, the Awards honoured News Publishers that successfully connected with their communities on the social web, by offering appealing social media content, engaging their readers through word-of-mouth campaigns, and implementing social media tools in innovative ways.
Read all about the 2012 entries.
The focus of the 2011 XMA Cross Media Awards competition is on projects of newspaper publishing houses that successfully and innovatively involve readers with their App offerings. 22 different publishers from 13 countries have entered a total of 30 projects to this year's XMA Awards! The 10 winning projects will be announced at the XMA Cross Media Awards ceremony to be held on the opening day of IFRA Expo 2011 in Vienna on Monday, 10th October, 18.00 h, at the Media Port, Hall A, Reed Messe Wien. All winning projects will be showcased in a special area in the Expo halls, giving all visitors at the IFRA Expo a chance to see the creative and successful projects.
Read about all the 2011 participant projects.
The 2010 version of the XMAs, presented at IFRA Expo 2010 in Hamburg, focused on publishers who use multimedia to build relationships with local markets, encourage interactivity, and help advertisers create local campaigns.
- "Limbolink", Het Belang van Limburg, Concentra, Belgium
- "Fashion Season@Orchard 2010", Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore
- "EUROSPAR Liezen", Kleine Zeitung, Austria
- "Deporte Base Cantabria", El Diario Montañés, Editorial Cantabria, Spain
- " - meine fotowelt", Ruhr Nachrichten Dortmund, Lensing Medien, Germany
- "Vida solidaria", Diario El Correo, Spain
- "OS- und", Medienhaus Neue OZ, Germany
- "Kommuniti Cakna", Kumpulan Karangkraf, Malaysia
- "Wir machen unsere Leser zu Regionauten!", RMA Digital, Austria
- "Let's corrupt you", Agora, Poland
- "Ente Naadu", Malayala Manorama, India
- "", Prensa Malagueña, Spain
- "Meine Gemeinde", Eugen Russ Vorarlberger Zeitungsverlag, Austria
Read more about all the 2010 participant projects.
The objective of the XMA Cross Media Awards 2009 was to present the best examples of design in newspapers that combine different print and digital channels to bring their brand across.
Have a look at the 2009 projects.
The aim of the XMA Cross Media Awards 2008 was to present the best examples of combining different print and digital channels to bring the advertisers’ messages across.
In 2007, the competition addressed the hot topic of “communities” and involving readers in the generation of content.
Have a look at the 2007 projects
In 2006 then IFRA invited newspapers from all over the world to enter their cross-media special projects organised to accompany the Football World Cup 2006 for the first XMA Cross Media Awards.